Story of varadha’s emergence 10-2

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

Story of varadha’s emergence

<< Part 10-1

mukundha nAyakan is the title of Lord of vELukkai, who is a mix of lion and man. mukundha means one who grants salvation or liberation to be freed from the malady of worldly life (samsAra). He is the panacea, elixir, remedy.

After annihilating hiraNya, God looked for a place to recline and relax. This very place (thiruvEL irukkai) was to His liking and penchant. That is why he is stationed here till date.

narasimha avathAra …

This is the role he assumed and enacted to save prahlAdha, son of an asura. brahmA had granted boons (to hiraNya). God wanted to honour his words and just for that sake, He emerged from the pillar and assassinated hiraNya.

What a concern and solicitude He showed to ensure that brahmA’s words will not turn fallacious and fail!

Many reasons are offered to explain His incarnations. krishNa Himself lists in gIthA “To protect the good, eradicate the evil and to nourish and perpetuate dharma (probity and righteousness), He descends on the earth. These words emanated from His mouth.

What is establishing of dharma?

If we wish to know this, we must first necessarily understand what dharma is.

According to Sri parASara bhattar, dharma is a virtue/an attribute, righteous and illustrious.

Hence it seems that He takes avathAras to unveil His innumerable virtues.

ajAyamAna: bahudhA vijAyathE” – declares vEdham. That means, “He the unborn,  is born in many ways”.

We mortals are born as a result of our karma (fate and destiny). Unlike us, He is not born out of karma. Still He takes birth on His own will and out of His love and concern for us.

ichchA gruhIthOpimadhOr dhehA:” – Each avathAra is intended to reveal one of His traits, accordingly to Vishnu purANa.

(Generally we can spot all His qualities in every avathAra. But specially one of His unique features will singularly shine in an avathAra)

In narasimha avathAra, His omnipresence (being present everywhere, in and out, leaving no void) is exhibited.

He is also known by the sobriquet “antharyAmi”. He resides inside us and controls and enforces our acts.

vEdham also confirms “anthar bahiScha thath sarvam vyApya nArAyaNa sthitha:” – He occupies the entire space wholly, within and without.

It is this unique characteristic that we get enlightened about in narasimha avathAra. prahlAdha proclaimed this aspect and trait of God as “thUNilum iruppAn thurumbilum iruppAn” (He resides within a pillar in a paltry piece as well) – so simply given that it is palpable even to a child.

AzhwAr confirms this view when he says “engumuLan kaNNanenRa maganaik kAynthu” – tormentor of the son who averred kaNNan is everywhere.

Is not the glory of singapperumAL beyond our comprehension?

vELukkai ALari (man- lion combine) who came to protect the vELvi also saved brahmA by finishing off asuras.

brahmA continued His penance.

saraswathi, deranged and her mind poisoned by asuras conceived of another plan to mar the yagya.  What was that plot?

Wait to discover…

adiyen thOthAdri thirumalai rAmAnuja dAsan


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