SrI: SrimathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
In our SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam, there are several eminences to the divine abode AzhwAr thirunagari, which is also known as SrI kurugApuri. In earlier times, this abode was known by names such as Adhi kshEthram, kurugApuri, SrI nagari. After the incarnation of nammAzhwAr, who is the prapanna jana kUtasthar (primary among those who surrendered to bhagavAn), in this abode, this is popularly called by the name AzhwAr thirunagari. We will enjoy the greatness of this abode, here.
AzhwAr thirunagari is an ancient abode. This is the abode of incarnation of nammAzhwAr, who is the head of AzhwArs who were granted knowledge and devotion without any trace of ignorance, by SrIya:pathi (the divine consort of SrI mahAlakshmi), sarvESvaran (lord of all). This is celebrated as one among the 108 dhivya dhEsams (divine abodes) by SrIvaishNavas, since nammAzhwAr has carried out mangaLASAsanam (praising emperumAn through prabandhams) of emperumAn here. Moreover, this is the divine abode where the divine form (vigraham) of SrI rAmAnujar was obtained about four thousand years before his incarnation on this earth, through the effort of madhurakavi AzhwAr, with the krupai (mercy) of nammAzhwAr, from the river thAmirabharaNi. This is also the divine abode where maNavALa mAmunigal, who is considered as the punaravathAram (reincarnation) of SrI rAmAnuja, and who was accepted as his AchArya by SrI ranganAthap perumAL, the presiding deity at SrIrangam which is the primary abode for our sampradhAyam, incarnated.
This abode thus has the eminence of muppruiyUttiya sthalam (an abode distinguished by three great occurrences) of being a divine abode of emperumAn, the abode where AzhwAr incarnated and the abode where AchArya incarnated.
This is the SrIvaishNava dhivya dhEsam where great mahAns (eminent people) incarnated, lived and carried out kainkaryam (service) and where till date, kainkaryams are carried out. This is considered as the primary abode among “nava thiruppadhi” (nine divine abodes) located in thUththukkudi district in thamizh nAdu, on the thirunelvEli – thiruchendhUr roadway.
Let us enjoy several wonderful narratives about this divine abode which has such eminences in its fold.
- Ancient History
- nammAzhwAr’s history and greatness
- nammAzhwAr’s procession
- maNavALa mAmunigaL’s history and greatness
- sannidhis
- uthsavams (festivities)
adiyEn krishNan rAmAnuja dhAsan
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