srimathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srimadh varavaramunayE nama:
sri vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
By the grace of emperumAn, AzhwArs and AchAryas, adiyen have compiled an ebook based on the various articles that were published on this topic. Many srivaishnavas gave valuable feedback on the various articles and adiyen have incorporated those in to the ebook (so the articles on the web will differ slightly while the core subject matter remains the same). adiyen also collected some wonderful pictures and included them in this ebook (as appropriate to the topic) which are real treat to our eyes and heart.
Here is a link to the ebook:

maNavALa mAmunigaL – AzhwAr thirungari

ponnadikkAl jIyar – thiruvallikkENiLet us see a quick summary of the contents:
- We observed the physical appearances that are expected in a srivaishnava (
- We observed the pancha-samskaaram process which begins our journey as a srivaishnava towards paramapadham (
- We observed the acharya-sishya relationship that came out of the panchasamskaaram (
- We observed briefly about our own guru paramparai (
- We observed the internal qualities that should be developed by a srivaishnava (
- We observed the importance of appreciating/glorifying other srivaishnavas (
- We observed the apachaarams that are to be avoided by srivaishnavas (
- We observed about understanding the greatness of srivaishnavas irrespective of their birth, etc ( and
- We observed the srivaishnava dhinacharya – daily routine ( and
- We observed how Manavaala maamunigal lived by that dhinacharya (
- We observed how we benefit by associating with such exalted srivaishnavas (
adiyen is thankful to all who encouraged and helped me to prepare this ebook. If you have any suggestions or feedback please feel free to email adiyen.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan