Srivaishnava aahaara niyamam

srimathE ramanuajaya nama:
srimad varavaramunayE nama:
sri vaanaachala mahaamunayE nama:
Another conversation – another realisation.
during one of the purappaadu’s of Sri AlagiyaSinga Emperumaan
(brahmotsavam in thiruvallikeni), one swamy offered adiyen some
Thirupathi laddu. While adiyen politely refused to accept it – some
swamys questioned adiyen why not accept it? adiyen said “well, its
thirupathi laddu that is made in factory and not prasaadham”. A debate
started – finally one swamy came by and said that it is acceptable
inside the temple. adiyen insisted “if it is offered to emperumaan it is
prasaadam otherwise it is only bhOgam”. It kind of stopped at that
stage since the purappaadu started moving. But it gives adiyen an
to remind myself the concept of Prasaadham vs bhOgam and what can be
consumed by us and share it with others as well.
us start understanding bhOgam and prasaadham. bhOgam is the term
generally used for any food items (cooked/uncooked) that can be eaten
readily. prasaadham is what is submitted to emperumaan and is accepted
by him (emperumaan eats thru his eyes or really purifies the food by
giving his kadaaksham – mercy from his eyes).
person who is really entitled to accept bhOgam is emperumaan only
(since he is the owner of all movable and immovable objects). Once he
accepts the bhOgam it becomes prasaadham. As srivaishnavas who
understand this concept we should simply not accept bhOgam (that which
is not owned by us) – but we should only accept prasaadham (that which
is specifically allocated for us by emperumaan). There are many places
in our sastras (vedas/ithihaasa puraanaas, arulicheyal and
vyaakyaanams) this is explained in a crystal clear manner.
In Bhagavad Gita 3.13, Kannan emperumaan says “if you consume food that
is cooked for self pleasure (instead of an offering to me) – you are
simply eating handful of sins”.
* In Sri Ramayana,
IlayaperumaL (Lakshmanan) says “what is offered directly to me bypassing
PerumaaL (Raman) is like offering dog licked food to me” – this
incident occurs when Thaaraa offers food stuffs to him to pacify his
anger when he comes shouting at sugreevan for not keeping up his promise
to help perumaaL.
* Emperumaanaar when travelling to
Thirunaraayanapuram did not consume any food throughout the journey
until he met srivaishnavas who gave proper prasaadham.
Koorathazhwaan’s wife aandaal refuses to accept food from a srivaishnava
saying that she does not know the nishtai of that srivaishnava (whether
he is sittuated in bhagavad nishtai or bhaagavatha
nishtai or just name sake nishtai) during return to srirangam after a
long journey.
* When some one submitted vegetables/grains
at his mutt – Maamunigal asked his disciples to return them since they
did not come from srivaishnava farmers.
* Vedhaantha desikan
wrote aahaara niyamam which identifies the foods that can be offered to
emperumaan and consumed by srivaishnavas. It is a reasonable starting
point to understand the basic principles.
sastras straight away reject 3 types of foods:
* vilaich chOru – prepared food that is purchased for a price (hotels/restaurants, etc)
maNach chOru – prepared food that is offered during weddings, etc –
there is no guarantee that the food will be prepared by srivaishnavas
and offered to emperuamaan before being served.
* piNach chOru
– prepared food that is offered as part of death cermonies/shraadhdha
ceremonies – we are only
allowed to partake food stuffs of our own pithrus and acharyas – that
too prepared by srivaishnavas and offered to emperumaan first.
sastras identify 3 types of defects in food stuffs – these food stuffs are not to be consumed by srivaishnavas.
jaathi dhushtam – food that are defective by birth – onion, garlic,
raddish, some food stuffs that grow under ground (potatoes, carrots) – these
foods are identified as non-saatvic. Also, foreign vegetables (tomatoes,
coffee beans, cocoa beans, etc) for which there is no clear indication
of whether they are sattvic or not are to be rejected.
* aashraya dhushtam – food that are touched by avaishnavas.
nimiththa dhushtam – food that has gone stale, food which were touched
by lizards, cockroaches, food that came in contact with hair, nail, etc.
Lastly, the question will arise – is all prasaadham consumable by srivaishnavaas?  The
answer is “NO”. Based on ones own varna and aashrama and situation, even prasaadham cannot be consumed at certain times.
Unless we specifically know that it is prepared by srivaishnavas (ones
who have had panchasamskaaram under proper aacharyaa), even prasaadham
cannot be consumed by srivaishnavas. Anyone can offer anything to
emperumaan (like Gantaakarnan who killed a rishi and offered to krishnan
– which krishnan happily accepted) – but for srivaishnavas prasaadham
must have been prepared by srivaishnavas and served by srivaishnavas.
* brahmachaaris/sannyaasis cannot consume beetle nuts.
During ekaadasis and other fasting times (like full day fast during
srijayanthi, until evening fast for narasimha chaturdasi, etc), we
cannot consume any grains or beans.
* During shraadhham days, the kartha (doer) can consume full meals only once in the afternoon for the whole day.
some one from a particular varna (say kshatriya) offers particular
bhOgam to emperumaan which is fit for him, a braahmaNa cannot consume
that if it is unfit to be consumed by him.
* “snaathvaa
bhunjitha” – “Eat only after taking bath” is a rule – not an option. In
current times, most of us drink coffee, tea, boost, etc (which are
anyway prohibited) and some people eat food (tiffins, breakfast, etc) as
well – without bathing – absolutely not acceptable.
So, just because it is prasaadham it does not mean that it can be consumed by everyone all the time. 
sastras say from clean food habits we develop satthva guNam. Even materialists nowadays say “We are what we eat”.
let us try to give some thoughts about the food we consume – who
prepared it, who touched it, etc. Ultimately, if we fully depend on
emperumaan for aathma rakshaNam and emperumaan’s
prasaadham for dhEha rakshaNam – no doubt we will lead a healthy life
which will help us serve divyadEsa emperuamaans and srivaishnavaas
effectively and happily. After all, emperumaan has given us this body to
serve him and he has given simple steps to protect the body – if we
follow those simple steps we will see the benefits.
we will run into so many questions like “will you not consume food at
my place any more just because I have a Ganesh photo hanging in my
wall?”, “for your age, you are talking too much – I know sastras more
than you”, “may be you should just stay at your home and not come out at
all”, “we know what kind of achaaram you follow – you think your
achaaram is better than ours?”, etc. But we just have to try to explain
the intention and if it does not work – we have two ears – listen via
one and ship it out via the other. By following the proper food habits
we will satisfy our main bandhu – sriman

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

8 thoughts on “Srivaishnava aahaara niyamam”

  1. swami, adiyen has a small difference of opinion. once we have surrendered through our acharyan, arent we all the same category (thirukulam) in the eyes of emperuman? hasnt emperumanar said so? so how can u justify varna in here

    * If some one from a particular varna (say kshatriya) offers particular bhOgam to emperumaan which is fit for him, a braahmaNa cannot consume that if it is unfit to be consumed by him.?

    isnt this antithetic to the concept of being a vaishnava?

    adiyen raamaanuja daasan

  2. Though all who have accepted SrIvaishNava AchArya become SrIvaishNavas, there is an important aspect. In the end of SrIbhAshyam, emperumAnAr emphasises the importance of both vaishNavathvam and varNASramam. Similarly in SrIvachana bhUshaNam also while explaining about ones own kainkaryam, it is emphasised that both vaishNavathvam and varNASramam should be considered. Being the followers of parama vaidhikas (our pUrvAchAryas), if ourselves don't follow varNASrama dharma which is part of vEdham, then who else will follow.

    While surrendered AthmA should be looked at as vaishNava and given great respect, when it comes to worldly activities such as livelihood, eating etc., varNASramam should be followed. This is what our pUrvAchAryas explained and lived by it too.

    adiyen sarathy ramanuaja dasan

  3. Swami.. I request you to give a list of vegetables, dal varieties and grains ideal for consumption by Sri Vaishnavas. I could understand what not to take from your postings. If swami also gives list of vegetables and grains that can be taken, it will be more helpful.

    Adiyen Dasan Ramaswami

  4. அடியேன் ஸ்வாமிகளின் போஸ்ட் பார்த்தேன். வெண்டைக்காய், செள செள சாப்பிடலாமா என்பதைப் பற்றிய சந்தேகம் உள்ளது. ஏனெனில், த்வாதசி பரணையைப் பற்றி சிலர் வலைத்தளங்களில் செய்முறை போடுகையில், செள செள கூட்டு செய்யவேண்டும் என்று எழுதியிருக்கின்றனர். மேலும் கீரைகளில் அகத்திக்கீரையும், தூதுவளையும் வைணவர்கள் எடுத்துக்கொள்ளலாம் என கேள்விப்பட்டிருக்கிறேன். மற்ற கீரைகளை பற்றிய தெளிவு அடியேனுக்கு இல்லை. சுரைக்காய், பாகற்காய், பீர்க்கங்காய், வாழைத்தண்டு போன்ற காய்கறிகளை எடுத்துக்கொள்ளலாமா என்றும் அடியேனுக்கு தெளிவு இல்லை. சிலர் துவரம்பருப்பு, மிளகாய்ப்பொடி, கொத்தமல்லிப்பொடி, கடலை எண்ணெய், வேர்க்கடலை கூடாது என்கின்றனர். அதன் பொருட்டே, ஸ்வாமிகளை தற்காலத்தில் உள்ள ஆகாரங்களைக் கொண்டு ஒரு exhaustive லிஸ்ட் ஒன்றை தயாரித்துக் கொடுத்தால் மிக உதவியாக இருக்கும்.

    அடியேன் தாஸன்.


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