srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:
srI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
we observed that AchAryan is an avathAram of bhagavAn and he should be treated as such only. We will continue with the section which explains the ill-effects of considering the AchAryan as a mortal human.

parAsara maharishi blessed us with these words:
artha panchaka thathvagyA: panchasamskArasamskruthA:
AkArathraya sampannA: mahAbhagavathAssmruthA:
mahAbhAgavathA yathrAvasanthi vimalAssubhA:
thadhdhEsam mangaLam prOktham thaththIrththam thaththu pAvanam
yathA vishNupadham subham
ஆகாரத்ரய ஸம்பந்நா: மஹாபகவதாஸ்ஸ்ம்ருதா:
மஹாபாகவதா யத்ராவஸந்தி விமலாச்சுபா:
தத்தேசம் மங்களம் ப்ரோக்தம் தத்தீர்த்தம் தத்துபாவநம்
யதா விஷ்ணுபதம் சுபம்
Simple translation: One should undergo panchasamksAram and learn artha panchakam from the AchAryan. Realizing the 3 attributes of AchAryan (ananyArhathvam, ananya sEshathvam, ananya bhOgyathvam), one should meditate on a pure bhAgavatha. One should live close to the mahA bhAgavatha to purify fully. It is said that, that place is most sacred and the water (source) nearby is fully pure (to purify us) and that is the auspicious abode of srIman nArAyaNa.
The same principle is most clearly explained by piLLai lOkAchAryar in srIvachana bhUshaNam sUthram 450:
pAttuk kEtkumidamum, kUppIdu kEtkumidamum, guthiththavidamum, vaLaiththavidamum, Uttumidamum ellAm vaguththavidamE enRirukkakkadavan.
பாட்டுக் கேட்குமிடமும், கூப்பீடு கேட்குமிடமும், குதித்தவிடமும், வளைத்தவிடமும், ஊட்டுமிடமும் எல்லாம் வகுத்தவிடமே என்றிருக்கக்கடவன்.
Simple translation: A sisyha should consider all the 5 different forms of emperumAn as his AchAryan (most apt refuge). The five forms and their nature are explained in sequence as
- where he blissfully listens to divine music (sAma gAnam) – paramapadham
- where he listens to the complaints of dhEvas – vyUham
- where he jumped into samsAram for rescue acts – vibhavam
- where he encircled every one by his presence – archAvathAram
- where he feeds/nourishes by being the in-dwelling super-soul – antharyAmi
Thus, a sishya should consider the AchAryan as the lord of both paramapadham and samsAram and also should consider that the AchAryan is the greatest wealth to be attained in both worlds.
AchArya nishtar’s (like amudhanAr) were thus always considering as follows:
- rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi 20 – irAmAnusan enthan mAnidhiyE (இராமானுசன் என்தன் மாநிதியே) – srI rAmAnuja is my inexhaustible wealth
- rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi 22 – irAmAnusan enthan sEmavaippE (இராமானுசன் என்தன் சேமவைப்பே ) – srI rAmAnuja is my wealth which will help me during disasters
- rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi 5 – enakkuRRa selvam irAmAnusan (எனக்குற்ற செல்வம் இராமானுசன் ) – srI rAmAnuja is the most apt wealth for my true nature
As said in “sAkshAn nArAyaNO dhEva: kruthvAmarthyamayIm
thanum” (ஸாக்ஷாந் நாராயணோ தேவ: க்ருத்வாமர்த்யமயீம் தநும்), without understanding that bhagavAn himself has accepted a human form to uplift them, seeing that he is also eating, sleeping, etc and considering AchAryan as humans like us as said in “mAnidavanennum guruvai” (மானிடவனென்னும் குருவை – gyAna sAram 32), “gyAnadhIpapradhE gurau marthyabudhdhi srutham thasya” (ஜ்ஞாநதீபப்ரதே குரௌ மர்த்யபுத்தி ச்ருதம் தஸ்ய), “yO gurau mAnusham bhAvam” (யோ குரௌ மானுஷம் பாவம்), “gurushu naramathi:” (குருஷு நரமதி:) is severely condemned. We will see the ill-effects of considering AchAryan as a mortal being just once, in the next sections.
vishNOrarchchAvathArEshU lOhabhAvam karOthiya:
yO gurau mAnusham bhAvam ubau narakapAthinau
விஷ்ணோரர்ச்சாவதாரேஷூ லோஹபாவம் கரோதிய:
யோ குரௌ மாநுஷம் பாவம் உபௌ நரகபாதிநௌ
Simple translation: Both valuing the divine archai form of vishNu based on the metal (raw-material) the form is made off and considering ones own AchAryan as mere mortal being will surely lead one to the hellish planets.
nArAyaNOpi vikruthim yAthi gurO: prachyuthasya dhurbudhdhE:
jalAtha bhEtham kamalam sOshayathi ravirna pOshayathi
நாராயணோபி விக்ருதிம் யாதி குரோ: ப்ரச்யுதஸ்ய துர்புத்தே:
ஜலாத பேதம் கமலம் ஸோஷயதி ரவிர்ந போஷயதி
Simple translation: Just like the sun which nourishes the lotus will itself scorch the flower when the flower comes out of water, for the ones who give up the attachment from their guru, srIman nArAyaNan (who helps everyone) himself will lead to their suffering.
EkAkshara pradhAram AchAryam yOvamanyathE
svAnayOnisatham prApya chaNdAlEshvapi jAyathE
ஏகாக்ஷர ப்ரதாரம் ஆசார்யம் யோவமந்யதே
ச்வாநயோநிசதம் ப்ராப்ய சண்டாலேஷ்வபி ஜாயதே
Simple translation: The one who ignores his AchArya who blessed him with knowledge, he is to take birth as chaNdALa (dog-eater) for 100 times.
guruthyAgI bhavEnmruthyu: manthrathyAgI dharithradhA
gurumanthraparithyAgI rauravam narakam vrajEth
குருத்யாகீ பவேந்ம்ருத்யு: மந்த்ரத்யாகீ தரித்ரதா
குருமந்த்ரபரித்யாகீ ரௌரவம் நரகம் வ்ரஜேத்
Simple translation: One who gives up his guru is as good as a dead body; one who gives up the manthram (learnt from guru) is penniless. One who gives up both the guru and the manthram is sure to reach the rauravam hell.
gyAna sAram 30
mAdum manaiyum maRai munivar
thEdum uyar vIdum senneRiyum – pIdudaiya
ettezhuththum thandhavanE enRirAdhAr uRavai
vittidugai kaNdIr vidhi
மாடும் மனையும் மறை முனிவர்
தேடும் உயர் வீடும் செந்நெறியும் – பீடுடைய
எட்டெழுத்தும் தந்தவனே என்றிராதார் உறவை
விட்டிடுகை கண்டீர் விதி
(equivalent samskritha pramANam identified by mAmunigaL)
aihikam Amushmikam sarvam gururashtAkshara pradha:
ithyEvam yE na manyanthE thyakthavyAsthE manIshipi:
ஐஹிகம் ஆமுஷ்மிகம் ஸர்வம் குருரஷ்டாக்ஷர ப்ரத:
இத்யேவம் யே ந மந்யந்தே த்யக்தவ்யாஸ்தே மநீஷிபி:
Simple translation: One should give up the association/relationship with such persons who dont consider their wealth, lands, salvation and dharmam, etc as their AchAryan who instructed the ashtAkshara mahAmanthram.
gyAna sAram – 32
mAnidavan enRum guruvai malar magaL kOn
thAn ugandha kOlam ulOgam enRum – InamadhA
eNNuginRa nIsar iruvarumE ekkAlum
naNNiduvar kIzhAm naragu
மானிடவன் என்றும் குருவை மலர் மகள் கோன்
தான் உகந்த கோலம் உலோகம் என்றும் – ஈனமதா
எண்ணுகின்ற நீசர் இருவருமே எக்காலும்
நண்ணிடுவர் கீழாம் நரகு
Simple translation: The one considers the AchAryan as a mere mortal human and the divine archA form which is cherished by the husband of srI mahAlakshmi based on the metal (raw-material) that is made off – both are destined to the lowest of hellish regions.
Eka grAmanivAsassan yassishyO nArchchayEth gurum
thath prasAdham vinA kuryAth sa vai vidsUkarO bhavEth
ஏக க்ராமநிவாஸஸ்ஸந் யச்சிஷ்யோ நார்ச்சயேத் குரும்
தத் ப்ரஸாதம் விநா குர்யாத் ஸ வை விட்ஸூகரோ பவேத்
Simple translation: The sishya who lives in his
village not worshipping the AchAryan and engaging in activities without
taking AchArya prasAdham is indeed an animal.
gyAna sAram – 33
etta irundha guruvai ivai anRenRu
vittOr paranai viruppuRudhal – pottaneththan
kaN sempaLiththirundhu kaiththuruththi nIr thUvi
amputhaththaip pArththiruppAnaRRu
எட்ட இருந்த குருவை இவை அன்றென்று
விட்டோர் பரனை விருப்புறுதல் – பொட்டனெத்தன்
கண் செம்பளித்திருந்து கைத்துருத்தி நீர் தூவி
அம்புதத்தைப் பார்த்திருப்பானற்று
Simple translation: One who gives up the guru who is easily accessible but approaches bhagavAn, is like a thirsty person dropping the water in the hand and looking up for rain in the sky.
gyAna sAram 34
paRRu guruvaip paran anRena igazhndhu
maRROr paranai vazhippadudhal – eRRE than
kaipporuL vittArEnum Asiniyil thAm pudhaiththa
apporuL thEdith thirivAnaRRu
பற்று குருவைப் பரன் அன்றென இகழ்ந்து
மற்றோர் பரனை வழிப்படுதல் – எற்றே தன்
கைப்பொருள் விட்டாரேனும் ஆசினியில் தாம் புதைத்த
அப்பொருள் தேடித் திரிவானற்று
Simple translation: Worshipping bhagavAn directly instead of accepting the AchAryan (who is easily accessible to us) himself as bhagavathavathAram is like giving up the wealth which is right with us and searching for treasure buried by some one else under the ground.
gyAna sAram 35
enRum anaiththuyirkkum Iram sey nAraNanum
anRum than Ariyan pAl anbozhiyil – ninRa
punal pirindha pangayaththaip pongu sudar veyyOn
anal umizhndhu thAn ularththiyaRRu
என்றும் அனைத்துயிர்க்கும் ஈரம் செய் நாரணனும்
அன்றும் தன் ஆரியன் பால் அன்பொழியில் – நின்ற
புனல் பிரிந்த பங்கயத்தைப் பொங்கு சுடர் வெய்யோன்
அனல் உமிழ்ந்து தான் உலர்த்தியற்று
Simple translation: bhagavAn who is most merciful and favourable towards everyone himself will give up on a jIvAthmA when the jIvAthmA does not show love/attachment towards his/her AchAryan. This is like Sun that nourishes the lotus flower itself will dry it when the lotus flower gives up the connection with water.
pramEya sAram 9
thaththam iRaiyin vadivenRu thALiNaiyai
vaiththavarai vaNangiyirA – piththarAy
nindhippArkku uNdERA nINirayam nIdhiyAl
vandhippArkku uNdizhiyAvAn
தத்தம் இறையின் வடிவென்று தாளிணையை
வைத்தவரை வணங்கியிரா – பித்தராய்
நிந்திப்பார்க்கு உண்டேறா நீணிரயம் நீதியால்
வந்திப்பார்க்கு உண்டிழியாவான்
Simple translation: AchAryan is the one who blesses us the lotus feet of bhagavAn. The ones who worship such AchAryan as bhagavAn himself will surely attain the glorious life in paramapadham. The others who does not accept and worship their AchAryan will eternally suffer in this world.
upadhEsa rathina mAlai 60
than guruvin thALiNaigaL thannil anbu onRillAdhAr
anbu than pAl seydhAlum
ambuyaikOn inba migu viNNAdu thAn aLikka vEndiyirAn AdhalAl
naNNAr avargaL thirunAdu
தன் குருவின் தாளிணைகள் தன்னில் அன்பு ஒன்றில்லாதார்
அன்பு தன் பால் செய்தாலும்
அம்புயைகோன் இன்ப மிகு விண்ணாடு தான் அளிக்க வேண்டியிரான் ஆதலால்
நண்ணார் அவர்கள் திருநாடு
Simple translation: The ones who does not serve the lotus feet of their own AchAryan, even if they show great attachment towards emperumAn, srIman nArAyaNan will not bless them with the blissful life in paramapadham, so they are not going to reach paramapadham.
prathihanthA gurOrapasmAri vAkyEna vAkyasya prathigAtham AchAryasya varjayEth
ப்ரதிஹந்தா குரோரபஸ்மாரி வாக்யேந வாக்யஸ்ய ப்ரதிகாதம் ஆசார்யஸ்ய வர்ஜயேத்
Simple translation: One who stays away from his AchAryan deserves to be abandoned.
brahmANda purANam
archAvishNau silAdhIr gurushU naramathir vaishNavE jAthi budhdhir
vishNOvA vaishNavAnAm kalimalamatha nEpAdha thIrththE ambu budhdhi:
sidhdhE thannAma mandhirE sakala kalushahE sapdha sAmAnya budhdhi:
srIsE sarvEsvarE chEth thathithara (surajana) samathIr yasyavA nAraki sa:
அர்சாவிஷ்ணௌ ஸிலாதீர் குருஷூ நரமதிர் வைஷ்ணவே ஜாதி புத்திர்
விஷ்ணோவா வைஷ்ணவாநாம் கலிமலமத நேபாத தீர்த்தே அம்பு புத்தி:
ஸித்தே தந்நாம மந்திரே ஸகல கலுஷஹே ஸப்த ஸாமாந்ய புத்தி:
ஸ்ரீஸே ஸர்வேஸ்வரே சேத் ததிதர (ஸுரஜந) ஸமதீர் யஸ்யவா நாரகீ ஸ:
Simple translation: Considering the archA form of vishNu as just a statue, considering a guru as a mortal human, analysing the birth of vaishNava, Considering the srI pAdha thIrtham of vishNu and vaishNavas which can remove all ills of kali as just plain water, considering the words that glorify their (vishNu and vaishNavas) names, temples, etc as ordinary words and considering srIman nArAyaNan equal to other dhEvathas will surely lead one to hellish regions.
Insulting guru includes the following aspects.
- Not following the instructions given by the guru
- Instructing this valuable information to the ones who are not qualified
- Giving up the association of AchAryan – as said in srIvachana bhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram 439 “thAmaraiyai alarththakkadava Adhithyan thAnE nIraip pirinthAl aththai ularththumApOlE, svarUpa vikAsaththaip paNNum Isvaran thAnE AchArya sambandham kulainthAl aththai vAdap paNNum” (தாமரையை அலர்த்தக்கடவ ஆதித்யன் தானே நீரைப் பிரிந்தால் அத்தை உலர்த்துமாபோலே, ஸ்வரூப விகாஸத்தைப் பண்ணும் ஈஸ்வரன் தானே ஆசார்ய ஸம்பந்தம் குலைந்தால் அத்தை வாடப் பண்ணும்) – Just like the sun which nourishes/blooms the lotus will itself scorch it when the flower gets separated from water, bhagavAn who nourishes the knowledge of the jIvAthmA will diminish that knowledge when the jIvAthmA gives up the association of the AchAryan.
- gurOrapahnuthAth thyAgAth asmaraNAdhApi; lObAmOhAdhipischAnyair apachArair vinasyathi (குரோரபஹ்நுதாத்(?) த்யாகாத் அஸ்மரணாதாபி; லோபாமோஹாதிபிஸ்சாந்யைர் அபசாரைர் விநஸ்யதி) – He, who abandons his AchAryan,
stays away from him and does not think about him, is destroyed by the
sins arising out of greed and delusion.
- gurOranruthAbisamsanam pAdhakasamAnam kalu gurvarththE sapthapurushAn ithascha parathascha hanthi; manasApi gurOrnAnrutham vadhEth; alpEshvapyarththEshu (குரோரந்ருதாபிஸம்ஸநம் பாதகஸமாநம் கலு குர்வர்த்தே ஸப்தபுருஷாந் இதச்ச பரதச்ச ஹந்தி; மநஸாபி குரோர்நாந்ருதம் வதேத்; அல்பேஷ்வப்யர்த்தேஷு) – Approaching an AchArya with lies
is akin to causing him injury. By stealing the property of AchArya,
seven generations before and after are destroyed. Thus, never be
a hypocrite to your AchArya even in your mind. Do not steal even a
small part of of his property.
- speaking lies to him, arguing with him, speaking what is not taught by him, complaining about him when he is mercifully giving instructions, abstaining from glorifying him, using harsh words at him, speaking forcefully to him, rejecting his instructions, lying down in front of him, being at a higher platform than him, stretching/showing feet in front of him, obstructing his actions, hesitating/feeling shy to worship him by performing anjali, not removing hurdles on his way while he is walking, speaking without properly understanding his mind, kAyilE vAykkiduthal (காயிலே வாய்க்கிடுதல்) – dealing with him through others indirectly?, shaking in front of him, stepping on his shadow, allowing ones own shadow fall on AchAryan – these acts must be given up in front of an AchAryan
yasya sAkshAth bhagavathi gyAnadhIpapradhE gurau
sishya with the torch of knowledge, he should be considered as bhagavAn
himself. For the ones who considers the guru as a mortal being, the knowledge gained from sAsthram is similar to elephant taking a bath (to only pick up the dirt and place it on its head again).
sulabham svagurum thyakthvA dhurlabham ya
labdham thyakthvA dhanam mUdO gupthamanvEshathi kshithau
ஸுலபம் ஸ்வகுரும் த்யக்த்வா துர்லபம் ய உபாஸதே
லப்தம் த்யக்த்வா தநம் மூடோ குப்தமந்வேஷதி க்ஷிதௌ
Simple translation: who leaves the easily
accessible AchArya and practises difficult upAsanas, is like an idiot who
throws away the money already available to him and digs the earth in
search of treasure.
chakshur gamyam gurum thyakthvA sAsthra gamyam thu yassmarEth
hasthastham udhagam thyakthvA ganasthamabivAnchathi
ஹஸ்தஸ்தம் உதகம் த்யக்த்வா கநஸ்தமபிவாஞ்சதி
Simple translation: One who gives
up the guru who is near by but approaches bhagavAn, is like a thirsty
person dropping the water in the hand and looking up for rain in the
குரும் த்வங்க்ருத்ய ஹூங்க்ருத்ய விப்ரம் நிர்ஜித்ய வாதத:
அரண்யே நிர்ஜலே தேசே பவந்தி ப்ரஹ்மராக்ஷஸா:
Simple translation: Those who address their AchArya
by improper language or in a manner to subdue him, become brahmarAkshasAs in a forest without water.
Thus, with the above pramANams, AchArya apachAram is fully explained.
Translator’s note: Thus, we have seen the ill-effects of committing AchArya apachAram. In the next section we will see more pramANams for bhAgavatha apachAram.
Thanks to srI ranganAthan swamy for helping out in translating some of the samskritha pramANams.
To be continued…Full series can be viewed at:
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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Very diffucult to follow Sanskrit Slokas in English/Tamil transliteration. Time consuming. Devanagari lipi may also be added .. request plz.