srimathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srimadh varavaramunayE nama:
sri vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:EkAdhasi days are specifically meant for total dedication of oneself to engaging in bhagavath guNAnubhavam (enjoying bhagavAn’s attributes), nAma sankIrthanam (singing his glories) and kainkaryam. It is recommended in sAsthram that one focusses fully on emperumAn on this particular day and fast during the day (so that no time is wasted in elaborate cooking, eating, cleaning, etc).
vaikuNta EkAdhasi in general has great importance among the various EkAdhasis. In particular for srIvaishNavas, it is right in the middle of the adhyayana uthsavam which is focussed on celebrating nammAzhwAr’s ascending to paramapadham. adhyayana uthsavam is glorified as periya (big) uthsavam. Even brahmOthsavams for perumAL are normally celebrated for 10 days. But adhyayana uthsavam is celebrated for a minimum of 20 days. The whole focus is on nammAzhwAr and reciting the 4000 dhivya prabhandhams at the temples during this adhyayana uthsavam in the grand assembly of emperumAn, nAchiyArs, AzhwArs and AchAryas. Full details on adhyayana uthsavam can be seen at
Usually adhyayana uthsavam consists of 2 parts – pagal pathu (first 10 days of mudhalAyiram and periya thirumozhi recital) and rA pathu (second 10 days of thiruvAimozhi recital). rA pathu begins on vaikuNta EkAdhasi.
In all the temples, during these 10 days of rA pathu, paramapadha vAsal (gate) will open – emperumAn will come out from the inside (inside is considered as paramapadham here – to welcome AzhwAr to his divine abode) while AzhwAr waits for emperumAn at the outside. Thus, these 20 days are considered to be a wonderful opportunity for srIvaishNavas to fully drench themselves in bhagavath anubhavam.
navathiruppathi consists of 8 dhivya dhEsams (9 temples) around AzhwAr thirungari. All these emperumAns were glorified by nammAzhwAr in thiruvAimozhi and are very dear to him.
On vaikuNta EkAdhasi day, in all these dhivya dhEsams, emperumAn assumes sayana (lying down) thirukkOlam (attire) and presents his most beautiful form with his nAchiyArs, AzhwArs and AchAryas. It is a great sight to behold. In the evening/night, paramapadha vAsal (gate) will open. Please view this wonderful dharshan of these emperumAns in the following section.
Full pictures are available at:
- AzhwAr thirunagari
- polindhu ninRa pirAn

- ANdAL sannidhi dhanur mAsam

- srInivAsar (south) sannidhi dhanur mAsam

- ranganAthar sannidhi

- srIvaikuNtam – kaLLar pirAn

- varaguNa mangai (naththam) – emmidar kadivAn

- thiruppuLingudi – kAisini vEndhan

- rettai thiruppathi
- aravinda lOchanan

- dhEvar pirAn

- thirukkuLanthai (perunguLam) – mAyakkUththan

- thenthiruppErai – makara nedum kuzhaik kAthan

- thirukkOLur – vaiththamAnidhi – madhurakavi AzhwAr

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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we are blessed by the darshan
Thanks to Ch Sarathi as without his help we would not have been able to have Nam Alwar Darshan on Dwadshi in Alwarthirunagari
Dear Adiyar,
Yaam petra inbam peruga ivvaiyagam. Thanks to the efforts of the presentor, we are all blessed to have His Darshan in all the Nine Divine abodes, sitting at home, on the sacred day of Vaikunta Ekadasi itself. Vaazhga Adiyar, Poliga Emperuman, Azhwar, Acharya Perumaganar Perumai.. Dasan