srimathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srimadh varavaramunayE nama:
sri vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
kanu is the next day after makara sankarAnthi. This is the day specifically meant for girls and women. Women would go to their parents residence and get their blessings.
kanu uthsavam is celebrated in a grand manner for thAyAr in vAnamAmalai dhivya dhEsam.
ponnadikkAl jIyar, the dear and foremost sishya of maNavALa mAmunigaL, established vAnamAmalai mutt per the orders of mAmunigaL. Once he was travelling to thirumalai/thirupathi on a yAthrai. At that time, the local kainkaryaparars finds a vigraham of thAyAr there. They decide to install the thAyAr there itself. But thAyAr appears in the dreams of the kainkaryaparas and orders them to give the vigraham to ponnadikkAl jIyar. When they present the vigraham to ponnadikkAl jIyar, he affectionately accepts thAyAr as his own daughter since that is the divine will of thAyAr herself. jIyar then brings her over to vAnamAmalai, arranges for her grand marriage with dheivanAyagan emperumAn and takes care of all the activities at the temple. Following the tradition, all the jIyars of this vAnamAmalai mutt are considered to be the father of thAyAr herself. Since that time thAyAr arrives at the mutt every year during kanu uthsavam sARRumuRai (last day) along with perumAL and stays for the whole day.
kanu uthsavam itself is celebrated for 7 days. Every day thAyAr goes for a divine procession in the streets around the temple. The last day, thAyAr and perumAL visit the mutt and spends the most of the day there.
srimathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srimadh varavaramunayE nama:
sri vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
kanu is the next day after makara sankarAnthi. This is the day specifically meant for girls and women. Women would go to their parents residence and get their blessings.
kanu uthsavam is celebrated in a grand manner for thAyAr in vAnamAmalai dhivya dhEsam.
ponnadikkAl jIyar, the dear and foremost sishya of maNavALa mAmunigaL, established vAnamAmalai mutt per the orders of mAmunigaL. Once he was travelling to thirumalai/thirupathi on a yAthrai. At that time, the local kainkaryaparars finds a vigraham of thAyAr there. They decide to install the thAyAr there itself. But thAyAr appears in the dreams of the kainkaryaparas and orders them to give the vigraham to ponnadikkAl jIyar. When they present the vigraham to ponnadikkAl jIyar, he affectionately accepts thAyAr as his own daughter since that is the divine will of thAyAr herself. jIyar then brings her over to vAnamAmalai, arranges for her grand marriage with dheivanAyagan emperumAn and takes care of all the activities at the temple. Following the tradition, all the jIyars of this vAnamAmalai mutt are considered to be the father of thAyAr herself. Since that time thAyAr arrives at the mutt every year during kanu uthsavam sARRumuRai (last day) along with perumAL and stays for the whole day.
kanu uthsavam itself is celebrated for 7 days. Every day thAyAr goes for a divine procession in the streets around the temple. The last day, thAyAr and perumAL visit the mutt and spends the most of the day there.

Full set of pictures at:
- In the morning perumAL and thAyAr enjoy a beautiful/grand thirumanjanam with the recitation of panch sUktham, pancha sAnthi, etc by the srIvaishNava gOshti.
- After that they leave the temple and reach the outside of the mutt (which is located just outside the temple).
- Mutt’s thiruvArAdhanam perumALs are moved aside and perumAL/thAyAr are facilitated to be seated in the main thiruvArAdhanam of the mutt. ponnadikkAl jIyar stays close to thAyAr and perumAL and performs mangaLAsAsanam to them.

- When thAyAr and perumAL arrive at the temple, jIyar swamy’s kAshAya vasthrams are spread on the path to welcome thAyAr and perumAL in his pallakku.
- ponnadikkAl jIyar and current jIyar swamy arrive and welcome thAyAr and perumAL. jIyar swmay welcomes the srI pAdham thAngis (ones who carry thAyAr and perumAL) and washes their feet at the entrance.
- After arriving inside the mutt, thAyAr and perumAL are presented with new vasthrams, etc. thiruvArAdhanam is performed and thIrtham, prasAdham are distributed for everyone. thadhIyArAdhanam is also done after that for everyone.
- In the evening, thAyAr and perumAL adorn a divine ornament called makara kaNdigai which is made of valuable gems. thiruvArAdhanam is performed followed by thIrtham and prasAdha viniyOgam including sugarcane for kanu uthsavam.

- Finally, ponnadikkAl jIyar bids farewell to his daughter (thAyAr) and son-in-law (perumAL) and they return to the temple. ponnadikkAl jIyar waits until they enter the inside of temple and returns to the mutt.

rA pathu uthsavam day 5
- Full set of pictures at:
- thAyAr and perumAL goes directly to paramapadha vAsal (gate).
- thirumangai AzhwAr and emperumAnAr along with other AzhwArs and mAmunigaL wait outside the paramapadha vAsal.
- After vEdha viNNappam and panchAnga sravaNam, paramapadha vAsal is opened.

- thAyAr and perumAL enjoys patthi ulAtthal (procession) outside the paramapadha vAsal hearing thiruviruththam gOshti by srIvaishNavas.
- thAyAr, perumAL, AzhwArs and AchAryas return to rA pathu maNdapam.
- Grand assembly of perumAL along with thAyArs and ANdAL nAchiyAr, AzhwArs and AchAryas.

- thiruvAimozhi 5th centum recital.

- Special thiruvArAdhanam and thaLigai (food offerings) for
- enganEyO annaimIrgAL (5.5) – thirukkuRungudi nambi
- nORRa nOnbilEn (5.7) – dheivanAyagan emperumAn
- ArAvamuthE (5.8) – thirukkudanthai AravamuthAzhwAn
- sARRumuRai, thIrtham and prasAdham distribution for everyone
- perumAL and thAyAr return to their sannidhis
Special Notes:
- Since nammAzhwAr is not present in this dhivyadhEsam separately, thirumangai AzhwAr is present in place of nammAzhwAr. Uniquely, nammAzhwAr is present in srI satagOpam (satAri) itself.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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