yathIndhra pravaNa prabhAvam : Part – 5

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh aravaramunayE

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nampiLLai started teaching onbadhinAyirappadi, along with some distinguished meanings, to periyavAchchAn piLLai, his disciple. periyavAchchAn piLLai started making pattOlai (first copy in palm leaves) with these meanings, every day. At the end of the discourses, he brought all the manuscripts to nampiLLai and submitted at his divine feet. nampiLLai was very pleased with that; he showered his mercy on the manuscripts and asked periyavAchchAn piLLai to make many copies of the original and to spread them far and wide so that it will be known to many people. It is pertinent here to note that periyavachchAn piLLai composed the commentary for thiruvAimozhi after being told to do so by nampiLLai unlike naduvil thiruvIdhippiLLai and vadakkuth thiruvIdhippiLLai who had made out first copies on their own volition. maNavALa mAmunigaL, in his prabandham upadhEsaraththina mAlai brings out this feature in the 43rd pAsuram “nampiLLai  thammudaiya nallaruLAl Eviyida pin periyavAchchAn piLLai adhanAl inbAvarubaththi mARan maRaipporuLaich chonnadhu irubaththi nAlAyiram” (after nampiLLai ordained him with his divine grace, periyavAchchAn piLLai composed irubaththinAlAyirappadi, which is the commentary for thiruvAimozhi which was mercifully composed with joy by nammAzhwAr who had devotion born out of emperumAn’s compassion).

One day nampiLLai called vadakkuth thiruvIdhippiLLai and siRiyAzhwAnappiLLai (eeyuNNi mAdhavar) and told them to read onbadhinAyirappadi. periyavAchchAn piLLai expressed his desire to join them in reading it. nampiLLai agreed happily and told them the meanings. vadakkuth thiruvIdhippiLLai started making notes of nampiLLai’s discourses, everyday, in his house. One day, he invited nampiLLai to his house for food. nampiLLai told him that he will carry out thiruvArAdhanam in vadakkuth thiruvIdhippiLLai’s house before having food. When he opened the  kOyilAzhwAr for carrying out thiruvArAdhanam, he found the bundle of palm leaf manuscripts there. He asked vadakkuth thiruvIdhippiLLai about it. piLLai told him that he had taken notes so that he would not forget the meanings of thiruvAimozhi pAsurams as told by nampiLLai to them. nampiLLai told him to conduct the thiruvArAdhanam himself and started examining the manuscripts for a long time. He told periyavAchchAn piLLai and eeyuNNi mAdhavar to keep examining the manuscripts while he went to have his food. He joined them and examined them further. While they were extolling the splendid way in which the commentary had been written, nampiLLai called vadakkuth thiruvIdhippiLLai and asked him “Why have you done like this? Did you think ‘Should only periyavAchchAn piLLai write a commentary? Should we not do it?’ Is this what you are thinking?” On hearing these words, vadakkuth thiruvIdhippiLLai trembled in fear and swooned. On regaining consciousness, he told nampiLLai “Oh jIyar! I did not think that way. I wrote it only to refer to it when I forget the meanings” and fell at his feet, saying that he was overcome by rashness. nampiLLai told him “I pardon you. Yours appear to be a distinguished birth. You have not missed a full stop or a comma from whatever I had mentioned from nanjIyar’s explanations. How will I praise your capacity!” He further added that he wanted mAdhavar (eeyuNNi mAdhavapperumAL, his disciple) who shared the divine name with his AchArya, nanjIyar (nanjIyar’s name before he adopted sanyAsam [renouncement] was mAdhavar), to spread this commentary. vadakkuth thiruvIdippiLLai was happy with the turn of events. nampiLLai gave the bundle of manuscripts to eeyuNNi mAdhavapperumAL, telling him “Make four or five copies of the original and spread them through many fronts”. mAdhavar was hesitant saying “Am I capable of doing that? Will I get the approval?” nampiLLai told him “Is it a huge task for you, when you have the grace of nanjIyar, carrying his name? There is a legendary account. Listen to this. pEraruLALap perumAL (kAnchi varadhar) came in thunnu pugazhkkandhAdaith thOzhappar’s dream, telling him jagathrakshAparO’nandhO janishyathyaparOmuni: l thadharaSyAs sadhAcharA sAthvikAs thathva dharSina: ll (thiruvanthAzhwAn, who is fully engaged in protecting the world (apart from his incarnation as rAmANuja muni) is going to incarnate as another muni (one who meditates for the betterment of all); those who take refuge under him (at that time) will have purely good conduct and good qualities). Until that time, you keep conducting discourse, based on this”. mAdhavar too made five copies of those manuscripts and taught his son, eeyuNNi padhmanAbhap perumAL.

 adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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