yathIndhra pravaNa prabhAvam – Part 15

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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Now, incidents about namperumAL

namperumAL left jyOthishkudi and reached thirumAlirunjOlai dhivyadhESam, which is considered to be similar to SrIrangam. Forgetting the sorrow caused by the separation from piLLai lOkAchAryar due to the fact that thirumAlirunjOlai was surrounded by gardens much like SrIrangam, he stayed there. kUraththAzhwAn (bhagavadh rAmAnujar’s disciple), in his sundarabhAhu sthavam SlOkam 103 says of kaLLazhagar, the presiding deity at thirumAlirunjOlai

Sikharishu vipinEshvapi ApAgAs vachcha thOyAsvanubhava
surasagnyO dhaNdakAraNya vAsAn l
thadhiha thadhanubhUthau sAbhilAshOdhya rAma Syarasi
vanagirEndhram sundharIbhUya bhUya: ll

(Oh SrI rAma! You, being a connoisseur, had mercifully resided in mountainous regions such as chithrakUtam and forests, near mandhAkini river which has crystal clear water, as part of your journey through dhaNdakAraNya region. Due to the taste that you had acquired, having lived in those areas, you have decided in your divine heart that you need to relive those experiences and hence you have made this thirumAlirunjOlai as your residence).

As mentioned in this, namperumAL, with the desire to live in forest area, rested in that place which is surrounded by forests and hills for some time [about a year]. He created azhayagiya maNavALan kiNaRu (well dug by namperumAL) as a thaNNIrppandhal (shed for giving water to those who are thirsty) since he is a dhArmikan (generous person). Subsequently, just as it is mentioned of kulaSEkara AzhwAr “kolli kAvalan kUdal nAyagan kOzhikkOn kulasEgaran” (the protector of kolli region, the leader of kUdal region and the head of kOzhi region), namperumAL desired to stay in the regions ruled by kulaSEkhara AzhwAr. He went westwards from thirumAlirunjOlai, stayed in a few places on the way and finally reached kOzhikkOdu.

Just as it has been mentioned in “sudarkoL sOdhiyai dhEvarum munivarum thodara” (emperumAn being followed by nithyasUris and mukthAthmAs), other dhivyadhESa emperumAns and nammAzhwAr too reached the same place [as a result of the invasion of muslim forces]. He protected them also [all the devotees who had brought the respective vigraham from various dhivyadhESams]. He offered a place for nammAzhwAr in his divine simhAsanam [royal seat supported by carved lions] and kept looking at him mercifully. He then left along with AzhwAr for a place called thEnaikkidambai (thirukkaNAmbi), stayed for some time and left subsequently, leaving behind AzhwAr who wanted to accompany him. He reached thirunArAyaNapuram via punganUr, stayed there for some time and then reached thiruvEngadam which is called by AzhwAr as “thiladhamulagukkAy ninRa” (standing as a decorative spot for the whole world).

namperumAL residing at thirumalai

 Just as it has been said in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 56-38

suramyam Asadhyathu chithrakUtam nadhInchathAm mAlyavathIm suthIrthAm |
nanandha hrushta  mrugapakshi jushtAm jahaucha dhukkam puravipravAsAth ||

(Delighted and joyful to reach the lovely chithrakUta mountain and the river mAlyavathi, provided with good descents and frequented by birds and animals (sIthA, rAma and lakshmaNa) shed the agony caused by their exile from the city of ayOdhyA), namperumAL felt comfortable on reaching thiruvEngadam which is praised by thirumazhisai AzhwAr in his nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi pAsuram 47 “nanmaNivaNNanUr…” (the residing place of sarvESvaran who has the complexion of a great gemstone). Just as thiruppANAzhwAr had said in his amalanAdhipirAn pAsuram 3 “mandhipAy vadavEngadamAmalai vAnavargaL sandhi seyya ninRan arangaththu aravinaNaiyAn…” (in the thiruvEngadam hills located in northern direction, emperumAn who is reclining on the serpent mattress at thiruvarangam (SrIrangam) is standing to enable nithyasUris to worship him with flowers), since the two (aranganAthan and thiruvEngadaththAn) have the same form, namperumAL stayed mercifully in thiruvEngadam for a long time, enjoying the divine uthsavams (temple festivals).

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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