yathIndhra pravaNa prabhAvam – Part 20

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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thirumalai AzhwAr prostrated at the divine feet of nAlUrAchchAn piLLai, submitting himself to piLLai. nAlUrAchchAn piLLai accepted him and started teaching him Idu (commentary on thiruvAimozhi written by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai, based on nampiLLai’s kAlakshEpam). Hearing that nAlUrAchchAn piLLai was teaching thirumalai AzhwAr the meanings of Idu, AchAryars in thirunArAyaNapuram such as jananyAchAr (thirunArAyaNapuraththu Ayi), thiruvAimozhi AchchAn piLLai et al, sent a message emanating from emperumAnAr (bhagavadh rAmAnujar) to nAlUrAchchAn piLLai. Seeing that, nAlUrAchchAn piLLai left for thirunArAyaNapuram, along with thirumalai AzhwAr.

Just as it has been said

AruhyAmala yAdhavAdhri Sikaram kalyANithIrtham thatha:
    snAthvAlakshmaNayOgina: padhayugam nathvAthugathvAnthatha:
SrInArAyaNamEyathathra dharaNI padhmAlA madhyakam
    paSyEyam yadhikim thapa:palamatha: sampathkumAram harim

(Climbing atop the sacred yadhvAdhri , taking a holy dip in kalyANi thIrtham, worshipping iLaiyAzhwAr’s (rAmAnujar’s) divine feet, further approaching thirunArAyaNan, if I could worship sampathkumArar (selvappiLLai, the uthsavar vigraham) who is in between SrIdhEvi and bhUdhEvi, what other thapas  (penance) could be superior to this?)

They went in the proper [traditional] order with huge affection, holding on to thirunArAyaNan’s divine feet as their protection; they worshipped emperumAnAr (rAmAnujar)  and with his purushakAram (recommendatory role), worshipped yadhugiri nAchchiyAr (SrI mahAlakshmi), selvappiLLai (uthsava vigraham) and thirunArAyaNan (mUlavar vigraham). They took residence there and in emperumAnAr’s sannidhi, learnt Idu from nAlUrAchchAn piLLai, to bring happiness to emperumAnAr as written in irAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi pAsuram 19 “uRuperum selvamum…” (thiruvAimozhi is the sustaining treasure..). nAlUrAchchAn piLLai too mercifully told them the full meanings just as it has been said in upadhEsa raththinamAlai pAsuram 49 “mElOrkkIndhAr…” (gave [the meanings] to superior people). thirumalai AzhwAr prostrated deeply before his divine feet and told him to mercifully share the meanings of dhivya prabandhams of AzhwArs. nAlUrAchchAn piLLai too found the gyAna bhakthi vairAgya (knowledge, devotion and deep detachment to worldly pursuits) qualities in thirumalai AzhwAr, developed a special regard for him and gave his thiruvArAdhanap perumAL (the vigraham that he was worshipping every day) inavAyar thalaivan (head of cattle grazers, viz krishNa) to thirumalai AzhwAr.

Just as it has been said in the SlOkam

dhEvAdhipAthsamadhigamya sahasragIthEr bhAshyam nikUtamapiya: pradhayAm chakAra
kunthIpurOthvamum SaraNam bhajEham SrISailanAtha gurubhakthi prutham SatArau

(I take refuge under that thirumalai AzhwAr who learnt the bhAshyam (commentary) Idu muppaththARAyiram for the esoteric thiruvAimozhi pAsurams from nAlUrAchchAn piLLai who is also called as dhEvAdhipar. thirumalai AzhwAr later made those meanings very famous and had deep devotion towards nammAzhwAr; he was born in kunthI nagaram), thirumalai AzhwAr, who was graced by dhEvap perumAL (kAnchIpuram), developed huge affection for the divine feet of nammAzhwAr. Just as it has been said in SrI rAmAyaNam “AjagAma muhUrthEna” (within a few moments), he proceeded to thirukkaNAmbi where nammAzhwAr had taken residence, prostrated before AzhwAr’s divine feet to satiate his affection for AzhwAr and decided to bring AzhwAr from thirukkaNAmbi to AzhwAr thirunagari. In line with that, he initially went to AzhwAr thirunagari, removed all the wild growth which had taken place there, making it as an inhabitable place, as said in AzhwAr’s pAsuram “nallAr palar vAzh kurugUr” (kurugUr where many great people live) again. He then mercifully consecrated the divine vigraha of nammAzhwAr in his original place, just as it has been said in

SatakOpamunim vandhE SatAnAm bhuddhi dhUshaNam
agyAnAm gyAnajanakam thindhriNee mUla samSrayam

(I bow down to the divine feet of SrI SatakOpa muni who destroys the intellect of deceitful people, who makes the  ignorant to gain knowledge [about emperumAn] and who has mercifully taken abode under the divine tamarind tree). On completing his objective and as he worshipped nammAzhwAr, he was given the title of SrISatakOpadhAsar (the divine servitor of nammAzhwAr) by nammAzhwAr himself [through the archakar]. He remained in AzhwAr thirunagari for a long time, carrying out all the services during all the times, making it as his routine.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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