SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
The divine incarnation of azhagiya maNavALa mAmunigaL
With the prapraththi mArgam (path of SaraNAgathi or surrendering to emperumAn) becoming weakened due to invasion [from Turkey} and other reasons, periya perumAL, who is the consort of SrI mahAlakshmi, who is full of compassion and who is constantly thinking of protecting the world, lying on the serpent bed of AdhiSEshan in SrIrangam, looking at the way dharSanam [traditional philosophy] was growing through a single, primary AchAryan, decided “Let us create another person who will uplift the world just like emperumAnAr (bhagavadh rAmAnujar) did”. Looking for a suitable person, his divine grace settled on thiruvananthAzhwAn (AdhiSEshan) and ordained him to correct the world. He too, just as periya perumAL desired and as said in
thadhasthadhingitham thasya jAnathvEna jagannithE:
thasmin dhAmni SatArAthE: purE punaravAtharath
(then, thiruvananthAzhwAn, realising the divine mind of periya perumAL, reincarnated in AzhwAr thirunagari itself, the divine abode of SrI SatakOpan (nammAzhwAr))
Samsanni samayam thasya thulAm prApthE dhvishAmpathau
mUlam hi sarvasidhdhInAm mUlaruksham prachakshathE
(preceptors mercifully confirm that the divine incarnation of thiruvananthAzhwAn took place in mUla nakshathram – this star is the cause for all plans to fructify when sun reaches thulA rAsi during his transit)
yanmUlamASvayujamAsyavathAra mUlam kAnthO payanthru yamina: karuNaikasindhO:
AsIthasathsugaNithasya mamApisaththAmUlam thadhEvajagadhapyudhaiyaika mUlam
(that mUlam in the month of aippasi (thulA) which was the star for the incarnation of the ocean of compassion and which was the reason for the entire world to sustain was also reason for the existence of this (lowly) person who is considered as asath (that which is insentient)) [this SlOkam was composed by maNavAL mAmunigaL’s disciple, eRumbiyappA)
entered the womb of the consort of aNNar (thigazhakkidandhAn thirunAvIRudaiya dhAsar aNNan) in AzhwAr thirunagari and dwelt there for nine months.
Just as it has been said in the SlOkam
pAdhErabhAvam gathAyAm kaliyuga Sarathi SradhdharAyE SakApthE
varshE sAdhAraNAkyE samadhigathathulE vAsarE dhIrasankhyE
vArE jIvEchathurthyAm samajanisathithau SuklapakshE
sukarmA prAjan mUlAkyathArE yathipathiraparO ramyajAmAthru nAmA
(in kalyathvam 4471, sakAptham 1292, sAdhAraNa varusham, when sUrya had reached thulA rAsi, on the 26th day of the month, guruvAram (Thusday), mUla nakshathram, Suklapaksha chathurthi thithi, the one with divine thirunAmam (divine name) maNavALa mAmuni, who has very noble conduct, who is also known as ramyajAmAthru muni, who is the reincarnation of yathipathi bhagavadh rAmAnuja, incarnated), in the 4471st year after kaliyugam began, in the year of sAdhAraNa, in aippasi mAsam (thuLa month), in Suklapaksham, on the day of chathurthi and mUla nakshathram, in the great clan of thigazhakkidandhAn thirunAvIRudaiyapirAN thAdharaNNararaiyar, mAnAvAlALa mAmunigal took his divine incarnation as his son.
Immediately, kali purusha (the lord of kaliyugam) ran away a long distance, as brought out by the SlOkam
yasmin svapAdhapadhmEna sparSa pruthivImimAm
kaliScha thadhkshaNEnaiva dhuthruvE dhUradhastharAm
(that moment when he (maNavALa mAMuni) touched earth with his divine, lotus-like feet, the kali purusha ran away a long distance).
Thus for his son who divinely incarnated for uplifting all AthmAs, aNNar celebrated jAthakarmam (a function conducted on the eleventh day after birth) and on the twelfth day, applied the thiruvilachchinai (divine impression) on the shoulders. In those days, after the infant has had its puNyAkavachanam [similar to jAthakarmam], pushpasamASrayaNam was carried out. In this, instead of casting impression of hot, metallic sudharSana chakram and pAnchajanyam, the infant was applied with sudharSana and panchAjanya symbols made of thirumaNkAppu (white, divine soil) and SrIchUrNam (vermillion powder). This is still carried out in the houses of a few SrIvaishNavas.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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