yathIndhra pravaNa prabhAvam – Part 91

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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jIyar mercifully returns to kOyil

He left thirumAlirunjOlai to mercifully reach the place where the lord of thirumAlirunjOlai rests every night [SrIrangam is the divine abode where emperumAns from all the dhivyadhESams come in the nights to take rest], SrIrangam. Just as it has been said by nammAzhwAr in thiruvAimozhi 10-9-8 “kodiyaNi nedumadhiL gOpuram kuRuginar” (entered the gateway to the place whose high compound walls are decorated with colourful flags), as he entered SrIrangam, all the eminent people there came forward and fell at his divine feet and affectionately recited the SlOkam

vakuLatharasavithrIm yAthiyasmin dharidhrIm madhumathana nivAsO rangamAsIthasAram
punarapi susamrudhdham bhUyasA sampravishtE varavaramunivaryO mAnusha: syAdhkimEsha:

(When maNavALa mAmunigaL had reached AzhwAr thirunagari, the birth place of nammAzhwAr who has the divine magizha garland on his divine chest, SrIrangam, which is the dwelling place of perumAL who had churned the milky ocean, had lost its splendour; when maNavALa mAmunigaL mercifully reentered SrIrangam, it regained its splendour. Is this maNavALa mAmunigaL to be considered as a manusha? (human being)) jIyar showered his mercy on them and initially went to emperumAnAr’s sannidhi along with them. He worshipped the divine feet of emperumAnAr and with his purushakAram (recommendation) went to SrI ranganAchchiyAr and periya perumAL, worshipping their divine feet. He accepted their distinguished prasAdhams and reached his matam, mercifully. Just as it has been said in range dhAmni sukhAsInam (seated comfortably in SrIrangam), he sat comfortably in thirumalaiyAzhwAr . He carried out regular vyAkhyAnam (commentaries for various prabandhams and SrIsUkthis), making everyone joyous. His disciples, too, for such a situation, recited the SlOkam

jayathu yaSasA thungam rangam jagathraya mangaLam 
     jayathu suchiram thasmin bhUmA ramAmaNi bhUshaNam
varadhaguruNArtham thasmai SubhAnyapi vardhayan    
varavaramuni: SrImAnrAmAnujO jayathu kshithau

(Let SrIrangam which is the auspicious repository for all the three worlds due to its great fame, shine eminently. Let emperumAn, who has periya pirAttiyAr (SrI mahAlakshmi) and SrI kausthubam [a divine jewel representing all chith entities] as divine ornaments, shine for ever. Let maNavALa mAmunigaL, who creates more and more auspiciousness for that emperumAn, along with varadhaguru aNNan, and who is reincarnation of rAmAnujar, shine respelendently on this earth).

maNavALa mAmunigaL sends a jIyar as administrator for azhagarkOyil

The mangaLASAsanam which jIyar had carried out for azhagar fructified with azhagar returning from thirukkuRungudi, to his own divine abode. A divine message came from azhagar saying “We have returned to our residence in line with dhEvarIr’s thoughts ‘nangaL kunRam kaividAn’ (he will not let go of our hill). In order to mercifully carry out all the activities in our house properly, send someone here”. jIyar was very much pleased to read this and sent a jIyar by the divine name of yathirAja jIyar, who was a mahAvirakthar (one who had renounced everything totally) and who was a mangaLASAsana parar (deeply engaged in carrying out mangaLASAsanam to perumAL) as azhagar SrIkAryam (one who manages the activities in the temple of azhagar). yathirAja jIyar too went there, worshipped azhagar and carried out all kainkaryam as a manifestation of his affection towards his AchAryan.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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