Story of varadha’s emergence

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

e-book –!AoGdjdhgJ8HegQb70vts-K0Gl9kX

Glory of SrIman narAyanA’s holy abodes (dhivya dhESams) brings ecstacy to his devotees. History of his holy emergence is itself a medicine for his believers’ sorrows.

In that respect, the history and fame of kAnchI – also known as “sathya vratha kshEthram” and that of presiding Lord varadharaja is never ending nectar for bhakthas.

Being used to publishing SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam principles and practices in facebook pages, adiyEn earlier published the greatness of SrI piLLai uRangAvilli dhAsar as a series under the title “mallanin mANbu” (Wrestler’s greatness).

Encouraged by the overwhelming support received from devotees, adiyEn started the next series explaining the greatness of kAnchi pErarurALALan, under the title “varadhan vandha kadhai” (Story of varadha’s emergence) .  This series included coverage of many holy abodes of kAnchi. This series also received excellent patronage from readers.

In order to improve the reach of varadha’s greatness beyond thamizh readers, translation of the above articles became necessary.

To start with, we wanted to translate in English to maximize the reach among readers. We approached a few volunteers for the same.

Two swamins started working on English translations simultaneously.

SrImAn u vE R S rAmAnujam swAmi completed the translation already. He had done an excellent job of translating the same.

adiyEn had earlier requested SrimAn u vE sArathy thOthAdhri swami to have this translated in English as well.  He took support of SrImAn u vE thOthAdhri thirumalai swami in completing the translation of the series, which is now available in this site.

Having two English translations for this article is nothing but adiyEn’s fortune.

Hoping to see a Hindi translation of this article soon as well .

Let the grace of pEraruLALan prevail!!

adiyEns’ heartfelt gratitude and prayers for all the swamis who participated in this great service.

adiyEn  – akkArakkani T A SrInidhi dhAsan ! [English translation of this foreword by lakshmi narasimhan swamy]

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