We are in the midst of enjoying the divine glories of AzhwArs/AchAryas who appeared in this auspicious month of aippasi. Please view https://granthams.koyil.org/aippasi-masa-anubhavam/ for full glories of this month. We shall now get a glimpse of our most merciful piLLai lOkAchAryar
and his divine work srI vachana bhUshaNam through the most
beautiful vyAkyAna avathArikai (introduction to commentary) of maNavALa mAmunigaL
for this master piece. Before going into the avathArikai (introduction)
of this grantham, let us quickly see the glories of this most wonderful
prabhandham of piLLai lOkAchAryar through the thanians (invocatory verses).
This srIvachana bhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram is the most important literature and authority for our sath sampradhAyam principles. mAmunigaL writes a beautiful prabhandham named upadhEsa rathina mAlai mainly to reveal the glories of this most magnificent work of piLLai lOkAchAryar.
- mAmunigaL
starts the prabhandham with highlighting the thirunakshathram (birth
start – appearance) days and the thiruvavathAra sthalams (birth places)
of AzhwArs and emperumAnAr.
- 1
He goes on to establish the special position of emperumAnAr
in our sampradhAyam and his great contributions for the firm
establishment of sath sampradhAyam and visishtAdhvaitha sidhAntham.
- Subsequently, he highlights all the vyAkyAnams of thiruvAimozhi and the glories of the vyAkyAnams and their authors.
- He then highlights the manner in which nampiLLai‘s eedu vyAkyAnam was preserved and taught through the AchArya paramparai.
nampiLLai kAlakshEpa gOshti
- He then highlights the glories of piLLai lOkAchAryar and srIvachana bhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram.
piLLai lOkAchAryar kAlakshEpa gOshti
- Subsequently,
the essence of srIvachana bhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram is revealed in the
most precise and beautiful manner highlighting the importance of total
dependence on ones own AchArya.
- Finally, mAmunigaL highlights the importance of accepting the words of pUrvAchAryas whole-heartedly and preaching/practising the same without any adulteration.
- The result of following the pure instructions of pUrvAchAryas is explained to bless us with the highest benefit – that is to become the object of emperumAnAr‘s mercy and be uplifted.
- eRumbi appA adds a beautiful pAsuram in the end of upadhEsa rathina mAlai – highlighting that whoever having the thiruvadi sambandham of mAmunigaL,
will be automatically and dutifully touched by amAnavan (the deliverer
to paramapadham) and will cross the virajA river comfortably to reach
paramapadham.mAmunigaL – srIrangam
from this, we can understand the whole purpose of upadhEsa rathina mAlai
is to highlight the principles explained in srIvachana bhUshaNam and to
glorify the same.

அன்ன புகழ் முடும்பை அண்ணல் உலகாசிரியன்
இன்னருளால் செய்த கலை யாவையிலும்
உன்னில் திகழ் வசன பூடணத்தின் சீர்மை ஒன்றுக்கில்லை
புகழல்ல இவ்வார்த்தை மெய் இப்போது
who is most famous and who hails from a family which is from the town
named mudumbai, out of his great compassion, blessed us with many divine
granthams. Among all of those, the greatness of srIvachana bhUshaNa
dhivya sAsthram is incomparable – this is not just plain glorification
but it is absolute truth.
மிகக் கொண்டு கற்றோர் தம் உயிர்க்கு
மின்னணியாச் சேரச் சமைத்தவரே
சீர் வசன பூடணம் என்னும் பேர் இக்கலைக்கு இட்டார் பின்
compiled this wonderful literature which is made of the divine words of
our pUrvAchAryas. For the greatly learned scholars, this srIvachana
bhUshaNam is the ornament which decorates their souls and is very dear
to them. piLLai lOkAchAryar himself named this beautiful grantham as
“srIvachana bhUshaNam” which means an ornament that is filled with the
divine words of pUrvAchAryas.
ஆரது சொல் நேரில் அனுட்டிப்பார்
ஓர் ஒருவர் உண்டாகில் அத்தனை காண் உள்ளமே
எல்லார்க்கும் அண்டாததன்றோ அது
translation: Who understands the in-depth meanings of srIvachana
bhUshaNa mahA sAsthram? Who can practically apply those high principles?
Even if there is one person who can understand and follow this grantham
– that is to be appreciated greatly as this is not achievable by
everyone. piLLai lOkam jIyar, in his vyAkyAnam highlights that mAmunigaL is one such person who fully understood this glorious literature and absolutely lived by that.
pAsuram – 61
gyAnam anuttAnam ivai nanRAgavE udaiyanAna
guruvai adaindhakkAl
mAnilaththIr thEnAr kamalath thirumAmagaL kozhunan
thAnE vaikuntham tharum
ஞானம் அனுட்டானம் இவை நன்றாகவே உடையனான
குருவை அடைந்தக்கால்
மானிலத்தீர் தேனார் கமலத் திருமாமகள் கொழுனன்
தானே வைகுந்தம் தரும்
translation: Once a person takes shelter of an AchArya who is most
knowledgable in the essential principles and who truly follows such
principles, Oh men of this world! srIman nArAyaNan who is the husband of srI mahAlakshmi
who is seated on a beautiful lotus flower, will automatically benedict
us with the opportunity to serve him eternally in paramapadham.
reciting/studying srIvachana bhUshaNam, it is customary to recite the
following thanians (invocatory verses). Let us see them briefly to
understand our glorious preceptors and their literary contributions for
the upliftment of everyone.
First srIsailEsa dhayApAthram … bhUtham sarascha thanians are recited. After that the following thanians are recited.
lOkagurum gurubissaha pUrvai: kUra kulOththama dhAsam udhAram
srInagapathi abhirAma varEsau dhIprasayAna guruncha bhajEham (also recited as dhIprasayam varayOgi namIdE)
லோககுரும் குருபிஸ்ஸஹ பூர்வை: கூர குலோத்தமதாஸம் உதாரம்
ஸ்ரீநகபதி அபிராம வரேஸௌ தீப்ரசயாந குருஞ்ச பஜேஹம் (தீப்ரசயம் வரயோகி நமீடே)
Simple translation: Rendered by mAmunigaL. I worship our pUrvAchAryas, piLLai lOkAchAryar, the most munificent kUra kulOthama dhAsar, thirumalai AzhwAr (thiruvAimozhi piLLai),
azhagiya maNavALa perumAL piLLai (maternal grand father of mAmunigaL)
and thigazhakkidanthAn thirunAvIrudaiya pirAn thAthar (mAmunigaL’s
father). Note: mAmunigaL’s father learns the sath sampradhAyam
principles from his own father-in-law kOttiyUr azhagiya maNavALa perumAL
piLLai who is a dear sishya of piLLai lOkAchAryar.
lOkAchAryAya guravE krushNapAdhasya sUnavE
samsAra bhOgi sandhashta jIva jIvAthavE nama:
லோகாசார்யாய குரவே க்ருஷ்ணபாதஸ்ய ஸூநவே
ஸம்ஸார போகி ஸந்தஷ்ட ஜீவ ஜீவாதவே நம:
Simple translation: Rendered by eeyuNNi padhmanAbha perumAL (son of eeyuNNi mAdhava perumAL who is a disciple of nampiLLai). My obeisances belong to the AchArya named piLLai lOkAchAryar who is the son of vadakku thiruvIdhi piLLai and who is the life saving medicine for the bound souls that are bitten by the snake of samsAram.
lOkAchArya krupApAthram kauNtinya kulabhUshaNam
samasthAthma guNAvAsam vandhE kUra kulOththamam
லோகாசார்ய க்ருபாபாத்ரம் கௌண்டின்ய குலபூஷணம்
ஸமஸ்தாத்ம குணாவாஸம் வந்தே கூர குலோத்தமம்
Simple translation: Rendered by thiruvAimozhi piLLai. I worship kUra kulOthama dhAsar who is the target of piLLai lOkAchAryar‘s mercy, who is the crest jewel of the kauntinya clan and is the abode of all auspicious qualities.
nama: srIsailanAthAya kunthInagara janmanE
prasAdhalabhdha parama prApya kainkarya sAlinE
நம: ஸ்ரீசைலநாதாய குந்தீநகர ஜந்மநே
ப்ரஸாதலப்த பரம ப்ராப்ய கைங்கர்ய சாலிநே
Simple translation: Rendered by mAmunigaL. My obeisances belong to srIsaila nAtha (thirumalai AzhwAr – thiruvAimozhi piLLai) who is radiantly shining with kainkaryasrI (wealth of servitude) that was blessed by nammAzhwAr and who was born in the town named “kunthInagaram” (now named konthagai).
lOkAchArya padhAmbhOja rAjahamsAyithAntharam
gyAna vairAgyajaladhim vandhE saumya varam gurum
லோகாசார்ய பதாம்போஜ ராஜஹம்ஸாயிதாந்தரம்
ஜ்ஞான வைராக்யஜலதிம் வந்தே ஸௌம்ய வரம் குரும்
Simple translation: Rendered by mAmunigaL. I worship azhagiya maNavALa perumAL piLLai (his maternal grand father) who is attached to the lotus feet of piLLai lOkAchAryar like a divine swan (that is attached to a lotus flower) and who is an ocean of knowledge and detachment.
srI jihvA vathadhIsadhAsam amalam asEsha sAsthravitham
sundharaguruvara karuNAkandhaLitha gyAnamandhiram kalayE
ஸ்ரீ ஜிஹ்வா வததீசதாஸம் அமலம் அசேஷ சாஸ்த்ரவிதம்
ஸுந்தரகுருவர கருணாகந்தளித ஜ்ஞாநமந்திரம் கலயே
Simple translation: Rendered by mAmunigaL.
I glorify thigazhakkidanthAn thirunAvirudaiya pirAn whose intelligence
was groomed by the divine mercy of azhagiya maNavALa perumAL piLLai, who
is blemishless and an expert in all sAsthrams.
Specific thanians for srIvachana bhUshaNam
bhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram is explained as containing 6 prakaraNams
(sections) and 9 prakaraNams (sections). The following thanians explain
the two different classifications of this prabhandham.
purushakAra vaibhavam cha sAdhanasya gauravam
thadhadhikAri kruthyam asya sathgurUpa sEvanam
haridhayAm ahaithukIm gurOrupAyathAncha yO
vachanabhUshaNEvadhaj jagadhgurum thamAsrayE
புருஷகார வைபவம் ச ஸாதநஸ்ய கௌரவம்
தததிகாரி க்ருத்யம் அஸ்ய ஸத்குரூப ஸேவநம்
ஹரிதயாம் அஹைதுகீம் குரோருபாயதாஞ்ச யோ
வசனபூஷணேவதஜ் ஜகத்குரும் தமாச்ரயே
Simple translation: I take refuge of piLLai lOkAchAryar who mercifully explained the following principles in srIvachana bhUshaNam.
- the glories of pirAtti who performs purushkAram (facilitating emperumAn‘s acceptance of jIvAthmA)
- the greatness of siddhOpAyam – bhagavAn as the already established upAyam
- the attitude/behaviour of the adhikAris (qualified persons) who accepted bhagavAn as upAyam
- such persons attitude and servitude towards his AchArya
- the glories of bhagavAn’s causeless mercy
- AchAryan being the ultimate upAyam
sAngAkila dhravida samskrutharUpa vEdha sArArththa sangraha mahArasa vAkyajAtham
sarvagya lOka guru nirmitham Arya bhOgyam vandhE sadhA vachanabhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram
ஸாங்காகில த்ரவிட ஸம்ஸ்க்ருதரூப வேத ஸாரார்த்த ஸங்க்ரஹ மஹாரஸ வாக்யஜாதம்
ஸர்வஜ்ஞ லோக குரு நிர்மிதம் ஆர்ய போக்யம் வந்தே ஸதா வசநபூஷண திவ்ய சாஸ்த்ரம்
Simple translation: I constantly worship srIvachana bhUshaNam dhivya sAsthram which was compiled by the all-knowing/omniscient piLLai lOkAchAryar,
which is most pleasing for the learned scholars, which reveals the
essence of vEdham, vEdhAntham, etc in a very crisp manner and has many
groups of beautiful phrases and sentences.
akuNtOthgaNta vaikuNtapriyANAm kaNtabhUshaNam
guruNAjagathAm uktham vyAptham vachana bhUshaNam
அகுண்டோத்கண்ட வைகுண்டப்ரியாணாம் கண்டபூஷணம்
குருணாஜகதாம் உக்தம் வ்யாப்தம் வசந பூஷணம்
Simple translation: srIvachana
bhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram which is the beautiful ornament for the necks
of the devotees who are desirous in reaching srIvaikuNtam (paramapadham)
which is the abode of endless pleasures and is known (spread)
everywhere. Such wonderful prabhandham was rendered by piLLai lOkAchAryar.
pERu thaRuvikkumavaL than perumai (1) ARu (2) peRuvAn muRai (3)
avan kURu guruvaippanuval (4) koLvathilaiyAgiya kuLirntha aruLthAn (5)
mARilpugazh naRguruvin vaNmai (5) yodelAm vachana bhUdaNamathil
thERida namakkaruL mudumbai iRaiyavan kazhalgaL chErenmananE
பேறு தறுவிக்குமவள் தன் பெருமை (1) ஆறு (2) பெறுவான் முறை (3)
அவன் கூறு குருவைப்பனுவல் (4) கொள்வதிலையாகிய குளிர்ந்த அருள்தான் (5)
மாறில்புகழ் நற்குருவின் வண்மை (5) யொடெலாம் வசன பூடணமதில்
தேறிட நமக்கருள் முடும்பை இறையவன் கழல்கள் சேரென்மனனே
Simple translation: Oh dear heart! please take shelter of the lord of mudumbai (piLLai lOkAchAryar)
who revealed the most important principles in the clearest manner for
us to be uplifted in srIvachana bhUshaNam. The six principles that are
explained in this prabhandham are:
- the glories of pirAtti who performs purushkAram (facilitating emperumAn‘s acceptance of jIvAthmA)
- the greatness of siddhOpAyam – bhagavAn as the already established upAyam
- the attitude/behaviour of the adhikAris (qualified persons) who accepted bhagavAn as upAyam
- such persons attitude and servitude towards his AchArya
- the glories of bhagavAn’s causeless mercy
- AchAryan being the ultimate upAyam
thirumAmagaL than sIraruLERRamum (1) thirumAl thiruvadi sErvazhi nanmaiyum (2)
avvazhi ozhinthana anaiththin punmaiyum (3) meyvazhiyUnRiya mikkOr perumaiyum (4)
AraNam vallavar amaru nanneRiyaiyum (5) nAraNanRAL tharu naRgurunIdhiyum (6)
sOthivAnaruL thUyamAguruvin pAdhamAmalar paNibavar thanmaiyum (7)
thIdhil vAnavar dhEvan uyirgaLai, EthuminRi edukkumpadiyaiyum (8)
manniyavinbhamum mAgathiyum guruvennu nilai peRum inporuL thannaiyum
asaivalAthavEdhamadhanuL anaiththaiyum (9) vachanabhUdaNa vazhiyAlaruLiya
maRaiyavar sikAmaNi vaNpugazh mudumbai iRaiyavan engOn ulagAriyan
thEnmalarchchEvadi chinthacheybhavar mAnilaththu inbhamathu eythi vAzhbhavarE
திருமாமகள் தன் சீரருளேற்றமும் (1) திருமால் திருவடி சேர்வழி நன்மையும் (2)
அவ்வழி ஒழிந்தன அனைத்தின் புன்மையும் (3) மெய்வழியூன்றிய மிக்கோர் பெருமையும் (4)
ஆரணம் வல்லவர் அமரு நன்னெறியையும் (5) நாரணன்றாள் தரு நற்குருநீதியும் (6)
சோதிவானருள் தூயமாகுருவின் பாதமாமலர் பணிபவர் தன்மையும் (7)
தீதில் வானவர் தேவன் உயிர்களை, ஏதுமின்றி எடுக்கும்படியையும் (8)
மன்னியவின்பமும் மாகதியும் குருவென்னு நிலை பெறும் இன்பொருள் தன்னையும்
அசைவிலாதவேதமதனுள் அனைத்தையும் (9) வசனபூடண வழியாலருளிய
மறையவர் சிகாமணி வண்புகழ் முடும்பை இறையவன் எங்கோன் உலகாரியன்
தேன்மலர்ச்சேவடி சிந்தைசெய்பவர் மாநிலத்து இன்பமது எய்தி வாழ்பவரே
Simple translation: One who meditates the honey-like lotus feet of my lord piLLai lOkAchAryar
who is also the lord of mudumbai, who is the crest jewel on the crowns
of the experts of vEdham and who narrates the most essential principles
of sAsthram through srIvachana bhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram – such persons
will enjoy the greatest pleasure (of bhagavath/bhAgavatha anubhavam and
kainkaryam) in this world itself. piLLai lOkAchAryar mainly explains the
following nine principles in this prabhandham and more.
- the glories of srI mahAlakshmi
who facilitates bhagavAn’s acceptance of jIvAthmA (just like a mother
who will constantly represent the children and speak for them with the
father) - the greatness of bhagvAn as the upAyam (means) to reach him
- the limitations of other paths such as karma, gyAna, bhakthi yOgams, etc
- the glories of the ones (prapannas) who accept bhagavAn alone as upAyam
- the behaviour and daily routine of such prapannas
- the ideal qualities that are to be found in a true AchArya and his behaviour
- the ideal qualities that are to be found in a true sishya
- the causeless mercy and efforts of bhagavAn (who is the master of nithyasUris) to uplift the jIvAthmAs
- the ultimate principle which explains that AchAryan is the means and goal (charama parva nishtai)
lOkAchArya kruthE lOkahithE vachanbhUshaNE
thathvArththa dharsinO lOkE thannishtAscha sudhurlabhA:
லோகாசார்ய க்ருதே லோகஹிதே வசனபூஷணே
தத்வார்த்த தர்சினோ லோகே தந்நிஷ்டாச்ச ஸுதுர்லபா:
translation: It is very rare to find persons who truly understand and
practice the principles that are explained in srIvachana bhUshaNam which
is purely written for the upliftment of all jIvAthmAs.
jagadhAchArya rasithE srImadhvachanabhUshaNE
thaththvagyAnAncha thannishtAm dhEhinAtha yathIthramE
ஜகதாசார்ய ரசிதே ஸ்ரீமத்வசநபூஷணே
தத்த்வஜ்ஞாநாஞ்ச தந்நிஷ்டாம் தேஹிநாத யதீந்த்ரமே
Simple translation: oh yathirAja (srI rAmAnuja)! Please bless me that I understand the principles that are outlined in srIvachana bhUshaNa dhivya sAsthram by piLLai lOkAchAryar and follow the same.
ends the translation for the invocatory verses for srIvachana bhUshaNa
dhivya sAsthram which fully brings out the glories of piLLai lOkAchAryar and this wonderful prabhandham.
the next article we will see the translation for the avathArikai
(introduction to vyAkyAnam) by mAmuigaL to this srIvachana bhUshaNa
dhivya sAsthram.adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
Dear Sarathy Swamy,
"So, from this, we can understand the whole purpose of srIvachana bhUshaNam is to highlight the principles explained in srIvachana bhUshaNam and to glorify the same."
Adiyen reckons that you missed to mention that it is Upadesarathinamalai which highlights the principles explained in SrIvachana BhUshaNam with apologies.
Adiyen Ramanujadaasan
yes swamy – that was the intent – thanks for pointing out – corrected now.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
In hindi: https://granthams.koyil.org/2015/11/16/thula-anubhavam-pillai-lokacharyar-srivachana-bhushanam-thanians-hindi/
In thamizh – https://granthams.koyil.org/2017/12/17/aippasi-anubhavam-pillai-lokacharyar-srivachana-bhushanam-thanians-tamil/