srImathE satagOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:
srI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
By the grace of ANdAL nAchiyAr and ranga mannAr emperumAn, vata pathra sAyi emperumAn and AzhwArs/AchAryas, adiyen was blessed to visit srIvilliputthUr and thirutthangal dhivya dhEsams (as part of a family trip). Here, adiyen is sharing the various activities that occurred at srIvillipuththUr and thiruththangal dhivya dhEsams during the last couple of days with some pictures.
srImathE satagOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:
srI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
By the grace of ANdAL nAchiyAr and ranga mannAr emperumAn, vata pathra sAyi emperumAn and AzhwArs/AchAryas, adiyen was blessed to visit srIvilliputthUr and thirutthangal dhivya dhEsams (as part of a family trip). Here, adiyen is sharing the various activities that occurred at srIvillipuththUr and thiruththangal dhivya dhEsams during the last couple of days with some pictures.
- Sunday – Jan 9th – thai rOhiNi – srIvilliputhUr
- Full set of pictures at
- Morning
- nithyAnusandhAnam at vata pathra sAyi perumAL sannidhi (Due to upcoming samprOkshaNam perumAL is in bAlAlayam (small-temporary temple) along with periyAzhwAr) – thiruppallANdu and thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai
- During thiruvArAdhanam, after perumAL/thAyArs adorn garlands, immediately periyAzhwAr is blessed “srI satagOpam (satAri)” with recitation of “paruppathaththuk kayal poRiththa pANdiyan kulapathi pOl un thiruppolindha sEvadi en senni mElERap pathiththAi” (just like pANdiya king went and hoisted his fish flag on mEru mountain (without it asking for him to do that), you have blessed me by placing your lotus feet on my head without me asking for it” – paragatha svIkAram of emperumAn is explained by AzhwAr with a beautiful and apt example.
- periyAzhwAr kaiththala sEvai (archakar carrying AzhwAr in his hands) and mangaLAsAsanam to vata pathra sAyi perumAL with “pallANdu pallANdu” pAsuram recitation.
- Evening
- nithyAnusandhAnam at ANdAL ranga mannAr sannidhi – thiruppallANdu, thiruppAvai, kaNNinuN chiRu thAmbu, amalanAdipirAn (munnadi/pinnadi) gOshti and sARRumuRai.
- puRappAdu for ANdAL and ranga mannAr (bErars – separate archAr mUrthys) on golden chariot inside the temple.
- Evening

- nithyAnusandhAnam at vata pathra sAyi perumAL and periyAzhwAr sannidhi – thiruppallANdu, thiruppAvai, kaNNinuN chiRu thAmbu, amalanAdipirAn (munnadi/pinnadi) gOshti and sARRumuRai.
- thiruvaNNAmalai – srInivAsar temple at a hill-top – near by srIvilliputhUr
- srInivAsar (mUlavar) arrived to marry ANdAL nAchiyAr but srI ranganAthan won the heart of ANdAL and ended up marrying nAchiyAr.
- Monday – Jan 10th – thai mrgasIrsham – EkAdhasi
- Full set of pictures at
- srIvilliputhUr
- Morning
- nithyAnusandhAnam at vata pathra sAyi perumAL sannidhi – thiruppallANdu and thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai
- During thiruvArAdhanam, after perumAL/thAyArs adorn garlands, immediately periyAzhwAr is blessed “srI satagOpam (satAri)” with recitation of “paruppathaththuk kayal poRiththa…” pAsuram.
- periyAzhwAr kaiththala sEvai and mangaLAsAsanam to vata pathra sAyi perumAL with “pallANdu pallANdu” pAsuram
- Morning
- Evening
- ANdAL rangamannAr – kaNNAdi aRai (mirror room) sEvai/dharshan
- Evening
- thiruvArAdhanam at mirror room
- puRappAdu from mirror room to main sannidhi with thriuvAsiriyam gOshti
- thiruththangal (Quick visit in the morning to near by dhivya dhEsam)
- thani kOyil nAchiyAr (thAyAr in separate sannidhi – sengamalavalli thAyAr) in first level
perumAL (mUlavar) sannidhi in second level – unique standing posture - Wonderful dharshan of ninRa nArAyaNan emperumAn (mUlavar) with srI dhEvi, bhU dhEvi, nILA dhEvi and jAmbavathi nAchiyAr (unique to see her archA mUrthy – probably the only place we can have her dharshan in archA form). Beautiful colored forms of mUlavar emperumAn with nAchiyArs, etc. uthsavar name is “appan”.
- thani kOyil nAchiyAr (thAyAr in separate sannidhi – sengamalavalli thAyAr) in first level
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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pramEyam (goal) –
pramANam (scriptures) –
pramAthA (preceptors) –