SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 2

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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piLLai lOkAchAryar is mercifully identifying which part of vEdham to be determined by which of the aforementioned literatures.

sUthram 2

smruthiyAlE pUrva bhAgaththil artham aRudhiyidakkadavadhu; maRRai iraNdAlum uththara bhAgaththil artham aRudhiyidakkadavadhu.

Simple Explanation

The meanings of pUrva bhAgam [vEdham, the former part] are to be determined with smruthi. The meanings of uththara bhAgam [vEdhAntham or upanishath, the latter part] are to be determined with the other two (ithiAsams and purANams).

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

smruthiyAlE …

vEdham which is known as upabruhmyam (that which is to be explained) has two parts due to the meanings which are revealed in each of those parts. Similarly, upabruhmaNam (that which explains) will also have different parts based on the meanings which are revealed. In that, since smruthis were composed as upabruhmaNam for pUrva bhAgam and ithihAsams were composed as upabruhmaNam for uththara bhAgam, the meanings also need to be classified based on what is explained in each of those parts. Due to this reason, the meanings of pUrva bhAgam should be determined with dharma SAsthra etc which speak about [our] conduct, rules and procedures for atonement. The meanings of uththara bhAgam which speaks about brahmam should be determined with the other two, viz, ithihAsams and purANams which reveal about bhagavAn’s svarUpa (true nature), rUpa (forms), guNa (qualities), vibhUthi (wealth) and chEshtithams (activities).

What is implied by determining the meanings according to these two classifications?

With these smruthis, ithihAsams and purANams which reveal the meanings of the SAkAs (branches) one may not be trained in, the meanings of the SAkAs can be determined as desired by an individual.

Though brahmam is [also] explained in smruthi and karmam is [also] explained in ithihAsams and purANams, the revelations about brahmam in smruthi are to remind that the karmams are to be performed as worship for brahmam and the revelations about karmam in ithihAsams and purANams are to remind that the karmams are part of the upAsanam (worship) of the brahmam. Thus, there is no shortcoming in classifying these into two parts.

It is said in bArhaspathya smruthi “prAyENa pUrva bhAgArtha pUraNam dharmaSAsthratha: | ithihAsa purANAbhyAm vEdhAnthArtha: prakASyathE ||” (Mostly, the meaning of pUrvabhAgam should be determined with smruthi. The nature of brahmam who is worshipped should only be determined with ithihAsams and purANams).

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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