SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 20

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Even these (mentioned in previous sUthram) are not primary dhOshams; the primary dhOsham is a different one.

sUthram 20

dhraupadhI paribhavam kaNdirundhadhu krishNAbhiprAyaththAlE pradhAna dhOsham

Simple Explanation

In krishNa’s opinion, arjuna remaining a mute spectator when dhraupadhi was insulted, is the primary dhOsham.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

dhraupadhI …

First, when dhraupadhi was insulted by dhuryOdhana et al, arjuna [and others] remained a mute spectator, after losing the gambling game, due to fear of violating dharma [that the loser has no right to speak up]. That is at least tolerable. But when they continued to insult her even after her surrender to krishNa as in mahAbhAratham sabhA parvam 66 “gOvindha puNdarIkAksha raksha mAm SaraNAgathAm” (Oh gOvindha! Oh puNdarIkAksha! Protect me who has surrendered to you), he should have immediately risen and stopped the insult, (a) as per the special rule of SAsthram as in “if a devotee of bhagavAn is insulted and if one is capable, one should stop it and if one is incapable, one should leave the place with anguish” or (b) thinking about krishNa’s friendship and favouritism towards self and thinking “If I don’t protect the one who is surrendered to krishNa, how can I face him?” Instead of doing that, he remained a mute spectator as before. This is what krishNa took up to his divine heart as the foremost of the dhOshams. Due to this, it is said “krishNAbhiprAyaththAlE pradhAna dhOsham“. The primary nature of the dhOsham is due to its cruelty. Unlike other dhOshams, this dhOsham will make bhagavAn say as in varAha purANam “na kshamAmi” (I will never forgive).

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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