SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 21

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

piLLai lOkAchAryar is explaining the cruelty of this dhOsham.

sUthram 21

pANdavargaLaiyum nirasikka prApthamAyirukka vaiththadhu dhraupadhiyudaiya mangaLa sUthraththukkAga.

Simple Explanation

While he should have killed pANdavas too, he let them live for the sake of dharaupadhi’s mangaLasUthram [auspicious thread around her neck].

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

pANdavargaLaiyum …

[Another introduction for the sUthram] Alternatively, piLLai lOkAchAryar is mercifully  clarifying the doubt “Is this dhOsham common for all the five pANdavas, why did he let them live instead of killing them?”

For the former introduction – instead of saying arjuna, he has mentioned pANdavas [in this sUthram] to indicate that the dhOsham is common for all. For the latter introduction, this principle is naturally understood.

With the “cha” (pANdavargaLaiyum) [cha is a samskrutham word meaning ‘also’; um in thamizh conveys the same meaning], it is established that pANdavas who witnessed the insult are deserving as much to be killed as dhuryOdhana et al who insulted her.

nirasikka prApthamAyirukka vaiththadhu – He let the pANdavas live while they deserve to have their heads severed for the cruel mistake they committed.

dhraupadhiyudaiya mangaLa sUthraththukkAga – To not let dhraupadhi lose the mangaLasUthram which is dear to her. krishNa who could not tolerate seeing her spread her hair [instead of having it combed neatly], could not see her bare neck [without the mangaLasUthram].

With this, it is revealed that,

  • just as those who insult devotees, those who remain mute spectators for the same are also punishable, and
  • if those who deserve to be punished are themselves dearly related to bhagavAn’s dear devotees, bhagavAn will protect such persons for the sake of his dear devotees.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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