SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 26

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Setting out to explain his previous vow of prapaththi not having any of the previously mentioned restriction, first piLLai lOkAchAryar is explaining the lack of restriction based on place and time.

sUthram 26

“sa Esha dhESa: kAla:” engaiyAlE idhukku dhESa kAla niyamam illai.

Simple Explanation

Just as it is said in “sa Esha dhESa: kAla:“, there is no restriction based on place and time.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

“sa Esha dhESa: kAla:” …

[During SrI vibhIshaNa SaraNAgathi] Previously SrI jAmbhavAn and  mahArArAjar [sugrIva] humbly presented their case as in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 17.57 “badhdha vairAchcha pApAchcha rAkshasEndhrAth vibhIshaNa: | adhESa kAlE samprAptha: sarvathA SankyathAmayam ||” (This vibhIshaNa who is coming from rAvaNa, who is very hostile and is sinful (towards mother sIthA), has arrived at the wrong place at the wrong time; he is to be fully suspected); hanuman refutes that as said in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 17.56 to 17.58 “adhESa kAlE samprAptha ithyayam vibhIshaNa: | vivakshAchAthramE sthIyam thAnnibOdha yathAmathi || sa Esha dhESa: kAlaScha bhavathIha yathA thathA | purushAth purusham prApya thathA dhOsha guNAvapi || dhaurAthmyam rAvaNE dhrushtvA vikramancha thathA thvayi | yukthamAgamanam thasya sadhruSam thasya budhdhitha: ||

(These SlOkams are beautifully narrated by mAmunigaL in the commentary in a detailed manner now)

[hanuman says] It was announced by your highness’ ministers that SrI vibhIshaNAzhwAn who was insulted by rAvaNa, arrived at the wrong place at the wrong time highlighting his lowly nature; in this context, I have a a desire. When he came, the time it was and the place it was, kindly hear from me about the aptness of such time and place. That is,

  • rAvaNa who is thAmasika (ignorant) by nature, is always focussed on harming others. On the other hand, your highness, due to being greatly sAthvika (good) by nature, are always focussed on protecting others. Hence he considered you as the goal instead of him.
  • Further, if he does not leave rAvaNa, he will assist rAvaNa in rAvaNa’s evil deeds and will have the defect of getting killed with such enmity. But if he unites with your highness who are dhArmika (righteous), he will get the result of serving your highness’ divine feet, which will lead to a great life. Thinking about these two aspects, he came here.
  • Also, seeing the evil nature of rAvaNa who performed the most cruel sin to hurt your divine heart, and seeing your highness’ manliness of effortlessly destroying the evil persons, for a wise person, this arrival is apt.
  • Also, for the one who has rightful thinking, this is apt.

In this manner, since thiruvadi (hanuman) who is well versed in SaraNAgathi dharmam (the process of surrender), determines “Such one need not find fault in the place and time when SrI vibhIshaNAzhwAn who is very pure in his heart, arrived. Where and when he arrived are the right place and time”, it can be said that there is no restriction based on place and time for prapaththi.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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