SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 44

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

piLLai lOkAchAryar is now explaining the reason for agyAnam etc being the cause for prapaththi of different personalities.

sUthram 44

ippadich chollugiRadhum URRaththaip paRRa.

Simple Explanation

The reason for saying in this manner (that each type of person surrenders due to different reason) is based on the predominance of that aspect.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

ippadi …

That is – while all three types of personalities have agyAnam and aSakthi (ignorance and inability), gyAnAdhikyam (great knowledge) and bhagavath bhakthi (overwhelming devotion towards bhagavAn) in them, the reason for highlighting one of those aspects in each type as the cause is because one of those aspects is predominant in each of them.

With this, it is explained that:

In the first category (agyar – ignorant), gyAnam and bhakthi will be limited and agyAnam will be abundant; in the middle category (gyAnAdhikar – greatly knowledgeable), agyAnam will be very limited, bhakthi also will be limited and gyAnam will be abundant; in the third category (bhakthi pAravaSyar – overwhelmingly devotional), agyAnam will be very limited, svarUpa gyAnam will be sufficient and love will be abundant; hence, though all types of personalities have all these aspects in them, the aspect which is abundant will be the primary cause.

But there is a shortcoming in this view point. That is, we have to accept that even AzhwArs who are blessed with mayarvaRa madhinalam (unblemished knowledge and devotion) are having a little bit of ignorance. So, what can be done about it? If we consider “URRaththaip paRRa” (based on predominance) with respect to how they think/speak about it, such shortcoming can be avoided. In that case:

ippadi …

While the contemplation of agyAnam and aSakthi, svarUpa yAthAthmya gyAnam (deep knowledge about the true nature) and overwhelming devotion may be present in some form in them, only one of those aspects will be considered as the cause for prapaththi, due to predominance of such contemplation.

That is, having no other refuge, while contemplating about all three aspects is necessary for a person to become prapanna, and hence is present in all three types of personalities, each type of personality, considering self to be having no other refuge, will predominantly consider one of those aspects as the cause for prapaththi.

In this, for the first category, contemplation of agyAnam is natural; for the second category, since they are firm believers in SAsthram, as total elimination of ignorance along with the taste is not possible [in this world], contemplation of such ignorance will be applicable; for the third category, since they have been blessed with mayarvaRa madhinalam, their contemplation of ignorance is due to their naichyAnusandhAnam (voluntarily considering oneself to lowly).

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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