SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
piLLai lOkAchAryar explained that though the three types of personalities have engagement in all three types of aspects viz agyAnam, gyAnAdhikyam and bhakthi pAravaSyam, one of those aspects is identified as the reason for prapaththi due to the predominance of that aspect; now he is mercifully answering the question “is there one entity who has all of these three aspects?”
sUthram 46
“ennAn seygEn” engiRa idaththil immUnRum uNdu.
Simple Explanation
Where AzhwAr says in thiruvAimozhi 5.8.3 “ennAn seygEn“, all these three aspects are present.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
ennAn …
That is,
- As emperumAn does not show his mercy on seeing AzhwAr’s suffering, AzhwAr thinks “emperumAn is perhaps expecting me to engage in some sAdhanam (means) as I am ignorant to not have any qualification to engage in other upAyams (means)”, and asks “en nAn seygEn” (What shall I, who am ignorant, do?)”
- emperumAn says “We have given you clear knowledge” and AzhwAr responds “With the knowledge you have given me, I have understood my true nature of being fully dependent on you and hence engaging in other upAyam is inapt. Hence what shall I do?”
- AzhwAr then thinks “Even if it [other upAyam] is inapt for the true nature, if it gets you, I can engage in that, had you just given knowledge; but you have given bhakthirUpApanna gyAnam (knowledge in the form of matured devotion). I am overwhelmed with bhakthi which makes me unable to pursue any upAyam. Hence what shall I, having overwhelming devotion, do?”
In this manner, since AzhwAr manifests all the three aspects, it is explained that he has all of them. Hence, it can be seen here.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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