SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
piLLai lOkAchAryar clarifies the doubt “But, since chEthana has karthruthva (being the doer) and bhOkthruthva (being the enjoyer) which is an effect of gyAthruthva (being the knower), he is qualified to engage in self-effort and seek self-enjoyment. Now, how is the detachment from these two aspects?”
sUthram 71
svayathna nivruththi pArathanthrya palam; svaprayOjana nivruththi SEshathva palam.
Simple Explanation
svayathna nivruththi (Detachment from self-effort) is a result of pArathanthryam (total dependence on bhagavAn); svaprayOjana nivruththi (detachment from self-enjoyment) is a result of SEshathvam (servitude towards bhagavAn, where his sole purpose is to give joy to bhagavAn).
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
svayathna nivruththi …
That is – While there is scope for karthruthvam which is an effect of gyAthruthvam, this svayathna nivruththi which is to not engage in self-effort to attain bhagavAn, is a result of pArathanthryam where the existence etc of the chEthana is at the disposal of bhagavAn; similarly, while there is scope for bhOkthruthvam, this svaprayOjana nivruththi which is to have no taste in anything but giving joy to bhagavAn, is a result of SEshathvam, where the chEthana should bring glory to bhagavAn only. With this, since pArathanthryam and SEshathvam are natural for the AthmA, as one understands that clearly, these two (svayathna nivruththi and svaprayOjana nivruththi) will naturally occur.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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