SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
When asked “Isn’t such great desire towards bhagavAn under the control of bhagavAn’s greatness? Would the noble qualities such as Sama, dhama etc polish the qualification?” piLLai lOkAchAryar explains that those noble qualities will also occur based on this great desire.
sUthram 94
ivanukkup piRakkum Athma guNangaL ellAvaRRukkum pradhAna hEthu indha prAvaNyam.
Simple Explanation
The primary cause for these noble qualities which occur in him, is such desire.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
ivanukku …
As said in “Samadhama niyathAthmA sarvabhUthAnukampI vishaya sukha virakthO gyAna dhruptha: praSAntha: | aniyatha niyathAnnO naivahrushtO narushta: pravasitha iva gEhE varthathE yas samuktha: ||” (One who has a body with control over internal and external senses, who is compassionate towards all beings, who has hatred towards worldly pleasures, who is joyful due to having true knowledge, who is peaceful, who consumes food according to SAsthram only, who does not feel joyful in being comfortable and who does not feel sorrowful in troubles, who remains as a guest in his home, will attain liberation) and SrI bhagavath gIthA 13.8 “amAnithvam adhambhithvam ahimsA kshAnthir Arjavam | AchAryOpAsanam Saucham sthairyam Athmavinigraha: ||” (Not disrespecting elders, not engaging in charity for fame, not harming anyone with the three faculties (mind, speech and actions), not being mentally affected even when others cause hurt, having all three faculties (mind, speech and actions) in harmony towards others, serving the AchArya (teacher, who teaches about AthmA), having purity of the three faculties (which are helpful in knowing about self and pursuing it), being firm (in the principles explained by SAsthram), controlling the mind (in not engaging in matters other than AthmA) …) etc – there are many noble qualities which should occur in this chEthana; for all of those qualities, this great desire towards bhagavAn is the main cause.
pradhAna hEthu
This being the main cause over other causes such as anukUla sahavAsam (favourable association), SAsthrAbhyAsam (studying scriptures), AchArya upadhESam (instructions from preceptor) etc.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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