SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 95

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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piLLai lOkAchAryar shows scriptural proof for this principle (of great desire towards bhagavAn leading to noble qualities).

sUthram 95

mARpAl manam suzhippa“, “paramAthmani yO raktha:“, “kaNdu kEttu uRRu mOndhu“.

Simple Explanation

mARpAl manam suzhippa“, “paramAthmani yO raktha:“, “kaNdu kEttu uRRu mOndhu“.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

mARpAl …

As said in mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi 14mARpAl manam suzhippa mangaiyar thOL kai vittu nURpAl manam vaikka noyvidhAm” (As the heart engages towards SrIman nArAyaNan, it becomes easy to give up attachment towards the shoulders of women and engage in scriptures) – as one’s heart becomes engaged in sarvESvaran, one will lose interest in embracing the shoulders of women and it will become easy to place the heart in scriptures.

As said in bArhaspathya smruthi “paramAthmani yO rakthO virakthO aparamAthmani | sarvaishaNA vinirmukthas sabaiksham bhOkthum arhathi ||” (If one becomes attached to bhagavAn and detached to other aspects and has no attachment in worldly objects, he becomes qualified to beg for alms and eat from that) – one who becomes attached to bhagavAn, will naturally become detached from other aspects.

As said in thiruvAimozhi 4.9.10kaNdu kEttuRRu mOndhu uNduzhalum aingaruvi kaNda inbam therivariya aLavillAch chiRRinbam oNdodiyAL  thirumagaLum nIyumE nilA niRpak kaNda sadhir kaNdozhindhEn adaindhEn un thiruvadiyE” (After seeing in front of me [the three different goals namely] a) the joy of worldly pleasure enjoyed by analysing individually through the five senses of seeing, hearing, contacting, smelling and eating and feeling agitated by these, b) the joy of self-enjoyment which is incomprehensible, which is difficult to be comprehended by these senses and enjoy and which is very insignificant when compared to joy of experiencing bhagavAn and c) the togetherness of you and the one who is having distinguished forearms with ornaments like bangles, the best among women, who is known as SrI due to being the collection of all wealth, and determined the best means, gave up worldly pleasure and self-enjoyment and attained your divine feet) – having seen the joint presence of periya pirAttiyAr and your highness in paramapadham and having become desirous to reach there, I have become detached from aiSwaryam (worldly wealth) and kaivalyam (eternal self-enjoyment).

In this manner, desire towards bhagavAn is explained as the cause for detachment from other aspects.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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