SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 104

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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piLLai lOkAchAryar is mercifully explaining the reason for saundharyam (beauty) etc being the cause for detachment for the three types of prapannas.

sUthram 104

ivaiyum URRaththaip paRRach chollugiRadhu.

Simple Explanation

This is also said based on the predominance [of each aspect].

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

ivaiyum URRaththaip paRRach chollugiRadhu.

That is, just as it was said in sUthram 43agyAnththAlE prapannar …” that for these three types of prapannas the reason for their surrender is said based on the predominance of each aspect in that type of prapanna, here also, the cause for detachment highlighted in sUthram 102azhagAlE piRakkum …” is said, based on the predominance of each aspect.

With this, it is explained that,

  • For bhakthi pAravaSya prapannas, though there is scope for them to meditate upon the mercy of bhagavAn which is the cause for distaste and the conduct of bhagavAn/pUrvAchAryas which is the cause for fear, since they visualise the distinguished nature of the divine form of bhagavAn and their heart being captivated in that beauty,  that beauty which will make them become ignorant about worldly pleasures will remain predominant in them.
  • For gyAnAdhikya prapannas, though they see and enjoy bhagavAn’s divine beauty in his archA form, which is the  cause for ignorance and though they can meditate upon the ancient wealth of the conduct of pUrvAchAryas which is the cause for fear, since they are fortunate to have received his mercy in full force, the mercy which is the cause for distaste will remain predominant in them.
  • For agyAna prapannas, though they occasionally experience the physical beauty of archAvathAram, and the mercy which is the cause of distaste, since they constantly meditate upon the conduct of pUrvAchAryas, those conduct which are the cause for fear, will remain predominant in their hearts.

Due to such predominance, each one of these aspects has been explained as the cause for detachment.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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