SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
piLLai lOkAchAryar is showing the contradiction which will arise when the previously explained principle is not accepted.
sUthram 121
ippadik koLLAdhapOdhu Ethath pravruththiyil prAyaSchiththa vidhi kUdAdhu.
Simple Explanation
When it is not considered in this manner (engaging in other upAyams will lead to destruction of the true nature of the self), engagement in other upAyams will not have atonement prescribed.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
ippadik koLLAdhapOdhu …
ippadik koLLAdhapOdhu
When these other upAyams are not considered as destructive for the true nature of the self.
Ethath pravruththiyil prAyaSchiththa vidhi kUdAdhu
As said in lakshmI thanthram “sakrudhEvahi SAsthrArtha: kruthOyam dhArayEnnaram | upAyApAya samyOgE nishtayA hIyathEnayA l apAya samplavE sadhya: prAyaSchiththam samAcharEth || prAyaSchiththiriyam sAthra yath puna: SaraNam vrajEth | upAyAnAm upEyathva svIkArEpyEthadhEvahi ||” (A chEthana who has performed surrender just once will be protected. When the other upAyams which are dangerous, are pursued by such person, he is considered to have slipped from his surrender. When such forbidden acts are performed unintentionally, he must atone for that. The atonement is nothing but performing the act of surrendering, again. This is the atonement for considering other upAyams as proper upAyam as well) – when a prapanna unintentionally engages in other upAyams, just as in the case of engaging in forbidden activities, a repeat surrender should not have been ordained. Repeat surrender is not a fresh surrender, but just remembering previous surrender only.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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