SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 130

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

When asked “Why is this upAsanam, which was ordained once, subsequently forbidden?” piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains.

sUthram 130

idhudhAn pUrva vihitha himsaipOlE vidhi nishEdhangaL iraNdukkum kuRai illai.

Simple Explanation

Similar to SyEna vidhi which was ordained and forbidden subsequently, there is nothing wrong in doing the same for bhakthi yOgam as well.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

idhudhAn …


Previously highlighted upAsanam (bhakthi yOgam).

pUrva vihitha himsai …

The abhichAra karma (exorcising) which was initially ordained as in mahAbhAratham – SrIvishNu dharmam “SyEnEnAbhicharan yajEtha” (One who needs to eliminate his enemy should perform SyEna yAgam); while it was ordained for those who have abundance of thamO guNam (ignorance), for those who have abundance of rajO guNam (passion) and are engaged in kAmya karmas such as kArIri , this SyEna yAga is forbidden; similarly there is nothing wrong in ordaining upAsanam for those who have abundance of sathva guNam (goodness) to eliminate independence and servitude towards others, and to bring focus on serving bhagavAn, and rejecting the same for those who have predominance of sathva guNam to instill knowledge of pArathanthryam (total dependence) and to fully engage them in bhagavAn as the exclusive means.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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