SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 174

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

When asked “Even if the devotee prayed in this manner to bhagavAn [to remain attached to the divine abodes], will they remain dear to him after attaining the goal?” piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully responds.

sUthram 174

prApya prIthi vishayathvaththAlum kruthagyathaiyAlum pinbu avai abhimathangaLAy irukkum.

Simple Explanation

They will remain dear to him subsequently, due to those divine abodes being dear to his devotees and due to his gratitude.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

prApya …

prApya prIthi vishayathvam

For the devotee who is bhagavAn’s goal, these divine abodes remain enjoyable. He remains fully involved in the divine abodes as said in thirukkuRundhANdagam 19 “kaNdIyUr arangam meyyam kachchi pEr mallai enRE maNdinAr” (The devotees are too attached to thirukkaNdiyUr, SrIrangam, thirumeyyam, kAnchIpuram, thiruppEr nagar and thirukkadalmallai).


emperumAn thinking about the favours done by the divine abodes to him as in “is it not because of these divine abodes  that we attained this devotee?”

Due to these two reasons, even while this chEthana who is the goal, is attained, bhagavAn will consider the divine abodes as dear to him.

Thus, the following aspects are explained.

  • [sUthram 164] The dhOsha nivruththi (elimination of body) is similar to noble qualities explained previously such as SEshathvam and pArathanthryam [i.e. when desired by emperumAn, such thoughts need to be given up].
  • Vowing that these will be a hurdle for emperumAn’s enjoyment [in sUthram 163], and to elaborate on that point, explained how dirt/sweat of the beloved person is desired.
  • How emperumAn greatly desires the body of the chEthana (devotee) which the chEthana considers to be dirty as said in thiruviruththam 1 “azhukkudambu” (dirty body).
  • The special reason why the chEthana who is a gyAni (great devotee) is desired by bhagavAn along with the body.
  • That, we can understand bhagavAn’s desire towards the chEthana’s body, just by seeing the existence of such chEthana in this body [even after shunning it].
  • The way emperumAn desires the chEthana’s body.
  • When emperumAn attains the goal (the chEthana’s body), how his attachment towards the means (divine abodes) become reduced, and the ultimate state of such impact.
  • When the chEthana prays “You should not abandon those divine abodes”, how those divine abodes remain dear to bhagavAn due to two reasons, even after attaining the goal.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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