SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
In this manner, by mercifully showing many reasons that dhOsha nivruththi (elimination of body) is a hurdle for bhagavAn’s enjoyment, piLLai lOkAchAryar firmly established that principle; now, having that as an example, by simhAvalOkana nyAyam (how a lion revisits its path), he is establishing that noble qualities such as SEshathvam (servitude) and pArathanthram (total dependence) are hurdles for bhagavAn’s enjoyment.
sUthram 175
AgaiyAlE, dhOsha nivruththipOlE Anthara guNamum virOdhiyAy irukkum.
Simple Explanation
Thus, similar to dhOsha nivruththi, the noble, internal qualities will also remain as a hurdle.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
AgaiyAlE …
He reiterates the principle that was previously established.
dhOsha nivruththipOlE
Though eliminating the body will lead to the radiance of the true nature of the self, for bhagavAn who is very loving, who likes the body, such elimination is undesirable, it is a hurdle for his enjoyment. Similarly.
Anthara guNam
SEshathvam and pArathanthryam. They are said as internal qualities because they are closer than qualities such as gyAnam (knowledge) and Anandham (bliss) for the AthmA. The way they remain hurdles was previously explained [sUthram 164]. Here too, Anthara guNam could just indicate pArathanthryam [as explained there].
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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