SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
Thus, piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explained the cruel nature of ahankAram previously; subsequently, he is mercifully explaining the cruel nature of worldly pleasures.
sUthram 183
prathikUla vishaya sparSam visha sparSampOlE; anukUla vishaya sparSam visha miSra bhOjanampOlE.
Simple Explanation
Coming in contact with unfavourable pleasures is similar to coming in contact with poison; coming in contact with favourable pleasures is similar to coming in contact with poisoned food.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
prathikUla vishaya sparSam …
prathikUla vishayam
Forbidden pleasures which are contrary to worldly discipline and which lead to hell; contact with such pleasures …
visha sparSampOlE
Since they are well known to be life threatening similar to poison which will kill the person who is coming in contact with it. Similarly, being forbidden in SAsthram, appearing to be unfavourable, they will destroy the true nature of self.
anukUla vishayam
Ordained pleasures are neither contrary to worldly discipline nor they will lead to hell; contact with such pleasures …
vishamiSra bhOjanampOlE
For the one who is not aware, the poisoned food will appear to be favourable, and will kill the person. Similarly, being ordained in SAsthram, appearing to be favourable, they will destroy the true nature of the self which is ananyabhOgathvam (having bhagavAn only as enjoyment).
It is said that worldly pleasures are more cruel than poison, since they will destroy a person who just thinks about them, unlike poison which will only destroy the person who consumed it as said in “vishasya vishayANAncha dhUram athyantham antharam | upabhuktham visham hanthi vishayA: smaraNAdhapi ||“.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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