SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
piLLai lOkAchAryar is elaborating it.
sUthram 212
uthkrushtamAga bramiththa janmam bramSa sambAvanaiyAlE “SarIrE cha” engiRapadiyE bhaya janakam.
Simple Explanation
The birth which was misunderstood to be superior will lead to fear due to the scope for falling down as said in jithanthE sthOthram 9 “SarIrE cha” (seeing my body too).
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
uthkrushtamAga …
The question was raised considering the inferior birth mistaking it to be superior, due to such birth leading to destruction due to pride derived from being born in high family heritage – this is due to athasminsthadhbudhdhi (misunderstanding something which is not superior to be superior).
bramSa sambAvanai
There is scope for slipping from the nature of ananya upAyathvam (not having any other means) due to engagement in other upAyams.
SarIrE cha engiRapadiyE bhaya janakam
While explaining the cause for fear due to the presence of scope to engage in other upAyams starting with jithanthE sthOthram 9 “kAlEshvapi cha sarvEshu” (When I see all the seasons), it is highlighted that the most important among those aspects causing fear is as said in “SarIrEcha varthathE mE mahath bhayam” (great fear is caused on seeing my body [which is qualified to engage in other upAyams]), for those who are knowledgeable in the true nature of the self and who cannot tolerate the engagement in any other upAyam, this body [which is qualified to engage in other upAyams] will cause fear since as long as it is present one will be tempted to engage in other upAyams.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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