SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
piLLai lOkAchAryar showed the greatness of bhAgavathas through ithihAsams etc; subsequently he shows their greatness through the conduct of venerable elders. As said in Apasthamba sUthram “dharmagyas samayam pramANam vEdhAScha” (The conduct of elders is valid authority; the vEdham too which follows their conduct is valid authority) – the greatness of elders’ conduct is such that, it is spoken before the vEdham which is the most trustworthy authority; in that, first, to firmly establish the principle that who are born in inferior birth will become much superior and be distinguished from the other members of their clan, he recounts the words of perumAL towards the younger brother of rAvaNa.
sUthram 228
vibhIshaNanai rAvaNan “kulapAmsanam” enRAn; perumAL ikshvAku vamSyarAga ninaiththu vArththai aruLichcheydhAr.
Simple Explanation
rAvaNa addressed vibhIshaNa as “disgrace to the family”; SrI rAma, mercifully spoke to him considering him to be a descendant of ikshvAku.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
vibhIshaNanai …
That is – when SrI vibhIshaNAzhwAn gave good advice to the sinful rAvaNa as in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 14.4 “pradhIyathAm dhASarathAya maithilee” (Let sIthA be returned to dhASaratha [SrI rAma]), rAvaNa became angry and kicked him out saying “I don’t need you who have caused disgrace for our clan” as said in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 16.15 “thvAm thu dhik kulapAmsanam” (let you who has disgraced our rAkshasa clan be damned); as perumAL who is a leader in the ikshvAku clan, after accepting vibhIshaNa lovingly, requested him “please reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the rAkshasas” as said in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 19.7 “AkyA hi mama thathvEna rAkshasAnAm balAbalam” (please reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the rAkshasas), it is clear that perumAL did not consider him to be one among rAkshasas and mercifully spoke to him considering him to be one of his divine brothers. Since rAvaNa’s abandonment and perumAL’s acceptance are shown in this sUthram, it is explained that as one becomes favourable towards bhagavAn, worldly people will say “he is not for us” and abandon him, and bhagavAn will eagerly pursue him.
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