SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 232

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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Subsequently, piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains based on krishNa’s conduct as he said in SrI bhagavath gIthA 3.21 “yadh yadh Acharathi SrEshtas thath thadhEvEtarO jana: |
sa yath pramANam kuruthE lOkas thadhanuvarthathE ||” (Whichever actions the wise person performs, common people perform the same actions. In whichever manner that wise person performs those actions, common people of the world also follow only that much)

sUthram 232

krishNan bhIshma dhrONAdhi gruhangaLai vittu SrIvidhurar thirumALigaiyilE amudhu seydhAn.

Simple Explanation

krishNa ignored the homes of bhIshma, dhrONa et al and mercifully ate at the divine residence of SrIvidhura.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

krishNan …

emperumAn mercifully incarnated for the purpose of establishing dharmam (righteousness) and instructed “Even a gyAni, looking at helping people [of less intelligence], should observe varNASrama dharmam in a very good manner” as said in SrI bhagavath gIthA 3.20lOkasangraham EvApi sampaSyan karthum arhasi” (It is apt for you to engage in karma yOga keeping in mind to inspire [less-intelligent worldly] people only [to help them]) and had the nature of fulfilling his duties carefully saying “If I remain lazy and not fulfil my duties, all men will follow my example” as said in SrI bhagavath gIthA 3.23yadhi hyaham na varthEyam jAthu karmaNyathandhritha: |
mama varthmAnuvarthanthE manushyA: pArtha sarvaSa: ||” (Oh arjuna! If I, sarvESvara, am not firmly situated in the karma (actions pertaining to the family I am born in) and not ever engaged in them without laziness, common men will follow my ways in all manner); such krishNa, when going as a divine messenger, while bhIshma, dhrONa et al who are of superior birth were waiting so that krishNa will mercifully come to their homes as said in mahAbhAratham udhyOga parvam “bhIshma dhrONAvathikramya mAm chaiva madhusUdhana | kimartham puNdarIkAksha bhuktham vrushala bhOjanam ||” (Oh krishNa who killed the demon madhu and who has lotus-eyes! Why did you ignore bhIshma, dhrONAchArya and me, dhuryOdhana, and ate the food of vidhura who is a SUdhra?), instead, he eagerly, with love, went to SrIvidhura’s divine residence, where he did not expect krishNa to come, and became joyful seeing the overwhelmingly devotional SrIvidhura’s emotions as said in “sambramai: thushya gOvindha Ethanna: paramamdhanam” (SrI vidhura joyfully said “Oh krishNa! Your highness’ arrival is a great wealth”) and accepted the food which was very pure due to not being mixed with ahankAram (pride) and is very enjoyable due to being offered with bhakthi and mercifully ate that food considering the purity and enjoyability as said in “vidhurAnnAni bhubujE SuchIni guNavanthicha” (krishNa mercifully consumed the pure and enjoyable food in SrIvidhura’s home).

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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