SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 234

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Previously piLLai lOkAchAryar revealed the greatness of bhAgavathas through the SishtAchAram (conduct of elders) as seen in SrI rAmAyaNam and mahAbhAratham; further, he reminds us of pUrvAchAryas’ words in this principle.

sUthram 234

mARanEri nambi vishayamAga periya nambi udaiyavarkku aruLichcheydha vArththaiyai smarippadhu.

Simple Explanation

Remember the merciful words of periya nambi towards udaiyavar (rAmAnujar) in context of mARanEri nambi.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

mARanEri nambi …

That is – mARanEri nambi who does not have [superior] birth and conduct [religious activities] which lead to pride, and is surrendered at the lotus feet of ALavandhAr and is complete in adhyAthma gyAnam (knowledge about bhagavAn), in his final stage, feared thinking “What will happen if this body which was dear to ALavandhAr, is touched by materialistic relatives?”; he told his classmate periya nambi “don’t give this purOdASam (offering in yagyam) [referring to his physical form] to dogs” and ascended to paramapadham. periya nambi too, instead of letting his final rites to be done by others, performed the sacred final rites and mercifully returned to his residence; udaiyavar mercifully heard this and rushed to the divine feet of periya nambi and told him “jIyA (Oh venerable elder)! Should you not honour SAsthram and traditions? Should your highness have to do this yourself?” periya nambi mercifully responded “Should I designate my daily duty to someone else? Am I greater than perumAL and is mARanEri nambi lesser than periya udaiyAr (jatAyu mahArAjar)? Are the pAsurams such as thiruvAimozhi 8.10nedumARkadimai“, thiruvAimozhi 3.7payilum sudaroLi” only as good as the sound of the ocean? Should we not practice the principles of AzhwAr even if it is only done partially?”

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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