SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
In this manner, after eliminating the doubt of mangaLASAsanam which was explained in dhinacharyA (sUthram 243), being contrary to the true nature of the self, piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains the identity of favourable ones what was explained in “anukUla sahAsam“.
sUthram 259
anukUlarAgiRAr gyAna bhakthi vairAgyangaL ittumARinAppOlE vadivilE thodaikoLLalAmbadi irukkum paramArthar.
Simple Explanation
Favourable ones are those greatly eager to reach bhagavAn, who appear to be filled with knowledge, devotion and detachment and hence their greatness will be identifiable by their appearance itself.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
anukUlar …
Since they will nurture our knowledge etc, they are the favourable ones who are identified as sahavAsa yOgyar (with whom we can reside) previously.
gyAna bhakthi vairAgyangaL
Deep knowledge about true entities, devotion exclusively towards bhagavAn, detachment towards all other entities which is acquired based on such knowledge and devotion – all of these are decoration for vaishNavas. vaishNavas are glorified only based on these aspects. This is why, ALavandhAr while mercifully explaining SrIman nAthamunigaL’s glories, mercifully said in sthOthra rathnam 1 “namO’chinthyAdhbhudhAklishta gyAna vairAgyarASayE | nAthAya munayE’gAdhabhagavadh bhakthisindhavE ||” (I offer my salutations to nAthamunigaL who is a collection of qualities which are beyond-comprehension such as amazing knowledge and detachment, which were easily attained (by the grace of bhagavAn), who meditates upon bhagavAn and is an ocean of deep devotion towards bhagavAn).
ittu mARinAppOlE
Just as when a container which had a particular item earlier was filled with another item, it would appear that the new item is only present in the container, while these three aspects gyAnam, bhakthi and vairAgyam are present in the same person, when each one of these is seen in that person, it appears as if the person is filled only with that quality.
vadivilE thodai koLLalAmbadi irukkum
When we see such persons, we can easily grasp the relationship of such aspects with them. Due to our interaction with them based on the discrimination of what is to be accepted and what is to be abandoned, we can observe gyAnam in them; since they remain as said in SrIvishNu thathvam “AhlAdha SItha nEthrAmbu: pulakI krutha gAthravAn” (One who is having cool, happy tears due to blissful experience of bhagavAn etc – the purpose of everyone is to see such persons) and periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 5-3-5 “kAlum ezhA kaNNa nIrum nillA udal sOrndhu nadungi kural mElumezhA mayirkkUchchumaRA ena thOLgaLum vIzhvozhiyA mAlugaLA niRkum en mananE ” (my legs do not move out from the place where they were; my tears are not retained inside; the body is in a shambles and I am not able to speak; goose flesh happens continuously and the shoulders droop down; my mind is utterly bewildered), we can observe bhakthi in them; since they don’t care for anything but bhagavAn, we can observe vairAgyam in them. Alternative explanation – Since gyAnam, bhakthi and vairAgyam are freshly overflowing forever, it appears that they are filled with gyAnam etc, which were not present previously, replacing what was there previously, which can be seen in their bodies. Such greatly eager persons.
Those who are having great urge/sorrow due to not fitting well in samsAram and not reaching bhagavAn as well.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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