SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains the targets of the qualities of the prapanna and bhagavAn separately.
sUthram 298
avanudaiya gyAnaththukku ilakku ivanudaiya guNam; agyAnaththukku ilakku ivanudaiya dhOsham; Sakthikku ilakku ivanudaiya rakshaNam; aSakthikku ilakku parithyAgam.
Simple Explanation
The target of bhagavAn’s knowledge is prapanna’s good qualities; the target of bhagavAn’s ignorance is prapanna’s faults; the target of bhagavAn’s ability is prapanna’s protection; the target of bhagavAn’s inability is prapanna’s banishment.
vyAkyAnam (Commentary)
avanudaiya …
Unlike explaining it in the previous sequence, here ISvara’s qualities are explained first; this is because, after explaining bhagavAn’s qualities here, to explain the chEthana’s qualities and then the four forbidden aspects elaborately.
avanudaiya gyAnaththukku ilakku ivanudaiya guNam
As said in muNdakOpanishath 1-1-10 “yassarvagyas sarvavith” (one who knows the basic nature and characteristics of everything) and in sahasranAmam “sahasrAmsu:” (knowledgeable (about his devotees’ noble acts)), the target of the omniscient emperumAn’s divine knowledge is prapanna’s noble qualities starting with adhvEsha (not being inimical), Abhimukhya (being friendly) etc.
agyAnaththukku ilakku ivanudaiya dhOsham
As said in sahasranAmam “avigyAthA sahasrAmsu:” (He is ignorant (about his devotees’ mistakes) and knowledgeable (about his devotees’ noble acts)) and in “avigyAthAhi bhagavAn Agassu kamalEkshaNa: | sadhAjagath samsthancha paSyannapi hrudhisthatha: ||” (Lotus-eyed lord is always present in the heart and is seeing all the worlds, yet he is not aware of his devotees’ defects), though he is sarvagya, the target for his ignorance is the faults of the prapanna who is bound in prakruthi (material realm).
Sakthikku ilakku ivanudaiya rakshaNam
As said in SvEthASvathara upanishath “… parAsya Sakthir vividhaiva SrUyathE SvAbhAvikI gyAna bala kriyAcha” (that supreme bhagavAn who has full ability and natural knowledge, strength etc), the ability of the knowledge of bhagavAn who is sarvaSakthi (omnipotent) is the protection which eliminates all of this worldly desires and fulfilling all desires which match the true nature of the self.
aSakthikku ilakku parithyAgam
The target of the inability of such onmipotent lord, is abandoning the chEthana due to the mistakes which he commits which are intolerable for bhagavAn.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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