SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 310

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Raising the question of an inquisitive person who might ask “When the individual does not consider about these four results in this manner, how would they occur then?” piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains the way they are achieved.

sUthram 310

ninaiyAdhirukka innAlu palamum sidhdhikkiRapadi en ennil? SEshabhUthanAna Sishyan ninaivAlE dhrushtapalam sidhdhikkum; ISvaran ninaivAlE ujjIvanam sidhdhikkum; AchAryan ninaivAlE bhagavath kainkaryam sidhdhikkum; upakAra smruthiyAlE sahavAsam sidhdhikkum.

Simple Explanation

While the AchArya does not expect these results, how would they occur? By the consideration of the disciple, who is a servitor, the visible results will be achieved; by ISvaran’s thoughts, liberation will be achieved; by his AchArya’s thoughts, service to bhagavAn will be achieved; by the [Sishya’s] gratitude, togetherness will be achieved.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

ninaiyAdhirukka …

SEshabhUthanAna Sishyan ninaivAlE dhrushtapalam sidhdhikkum

As the disciple is always meditating that only SEshathvam (servitude) is his true nature, and since he would think that if he does not do even a little bit of service then he cannot gain his true nature, he would perform whatever little services possible for the AchAryan; this will result in visible results such as offering wealth, doing physical service etc occurring.

ISvaran ninaivAlE ujjIvanam sidhdhikkum

Liberation will be achieved by the thoughts of emperumAn which are due to his mercy, where he surrounds the AthmAs to catch them, causes adhvEsham (not having hatred) etc in them by his merciful glance, makes them surrender to AchArya and causes the AchArya to instruct them and by these, he uplifts them from the samsAram and makes them reach paramapadham.

AchAryan ninaivAlE bhagavath kainkaryam sidhdhikkum

As the AchArya reforms the disciples through his instructions and engages them in mangaLASAsanam which is very dear to the divine heart of emperumAn, his [AchArya’s] AchArya will think “Isn’t this bhagavath kainkaryam?” That thought will lead to the occurrence of bhagavath kainkaryam for this AchArya, who is the instructor.

upakAra smruthiyAlE sahavAsam sidhdhikkum

Sishya will be unable to remain separated from the AchArya and such togetherness will naturally occur by the Sishya’s gratitude due to realising “While I was totally lost since time immemorial due to ahankAram and mamakAram, this AchArya accepted me without any reason and reformed me, explaining the aspects which are unknown to me and changed my taste from worldly aspects and engaged me in mangaLASAsanam. What a great benefactor he is!”

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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