SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 347

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

piLLai lOkAchAryar elaborates further what was explained previously.

sUthram 347

bhagavath dhravya apahAramAvadhu svAthanthryamum, anya SEshathvamum; bhagavath  bhOjanaththai vilakkugaiyAvadhu – avanudaiya rakshakathvaththai vilakkugai.

Simple Explanation

Stealing bhagavAn’s belongings is being independent and being dependent on others; eliminating  bhagavAn’s food is eliminating his protection.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

bhagavath dhravya apahAramAvadhu

bhagavath dhravyam

AthmA which is desirable for ISvaran similar to SrI kausthubam as said in kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu 5 “piRar nan poruL” (emperumAn’s good wealth).


Considering the AthmA which is exclusively identified by servitude to be owned by self.

anya SEshathvam

Considering the AthmA who is exclusively subservient to bhagavAn to be subservient to others. Others include mother, father and up to other dhEvathAs. These are eliminated by the chathurthi (fourth case) in first letter (akAram) [bhagavAn is the only independent one who is to be served] and the middle letter (ukAram) [AthmAs are exclusively dependent on bhagavAn]. This is explained as the root of all sins as said in mahAbhAratham Adhi parvam 74.28 “kim thEna na krutham pApam chOrENa AtmApahArinA ||” (AthmA belongs to bhagavAn. When a person thinks that it belongs to him, what sin has not been committed by such a person?)

bhagavath bhOjanam …

Here bhagavAn’s protection is explained as his food since such protection of the AthmAs is sustenance for him similar to food for a hungry person. While explaining thiruvAimozhi 2.2.1 “maNNum viNNum ellAm uNda“, nampiLLai mercifully said “Since protection of all is sustenance for him, AzhwAr said “uNda” (ate) instead of “kAkkum“. Eliminating such emperumAn’s protection is engaging to protect oneself by self effort or by the help of others, to not give any scope for his protection, where he is said as the protector of all by the dhAthu (verb root) “avarakshaNE“. This (elimination of his protection), is eliminated by nama: which shows that AthmA is protected only by bhagavAn.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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