SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 366

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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Now, starting with sUthram 366 “svadhOsha anusandhAnam bhaya hEthu, bhagavath guNa anusandhAnam abhaya hEthu” and up to sUthram 406 “nivarthya gyAnam bhaya hEthu, nivarthaka gyAnam abhaya hEthu“, the greatness of bhagavAn’s nirhEthuka krupA (unconditional grace) which is the main reason for the destruction of karma which was accumulated since time immemorial, and for the benefits starting from adhvEsham (non-hatred) up to attainment of bhagavAn and all intermediary benefits, is explained. After completing the explanation of special principles such as thinking about samsAris’ defects as one’s own etc, among the aspects which are to be compulsorily performed by the prapanna such as meditating upon the defects in self and qualities of bhagavAn and bhAgavathas as said in sUthram 358 “svadhOshaththukkum” etc, since meditating upon bhAgavathas’ qualities is not contextual to the principles discussed here, accepting the meditation of defects of the self and qualities of bhagavAn which are contextual here, highlights the result of those, subsequently.

sUthram 366

svadhOsha anusandhAnam bhaya hEthu; bhagavath guNa anusandhAnam abhaya hEthu.

Simple Explanation

Meditating upon the defects of the self leads to fear; meditating upon the qualities of bhagavAn leads to fearlessness.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

svadhOsha anusandhAnam …


Ignoble qualities and the reason for such qualities such as avidhyA etc which are firmly present since time immemorial; when such meditation is  present, the fear of what will we do when such bondage occurs for us?

bhagavath guNam

bhagavAn’s dhayA (mercy), kshAnthi (tranquility) etc which are the reason for bhagavAn tolerating the AthmA’s nature and accepting this AthmA at his lotus feet, not considering the AthmA to be lowly; such meditation is the reason for the fear of seeing the result of such defects which have been the reason for being in samsAram since time immemorial and thinking “What will happen if this occurs again?” It is said in sthOthra rathnam 58 “dhuranthasyAnAthErapariharaNIyasya mahathO
nihInAchArO’ham nrupaSuraSubhasyApadhamapi | dhayAsindhO! bandhO! niravadhikavAthsalyajaladhE
thava smAram smAram guNagaNamidhIchchAmi gathabhI: |” (Oh my lord who is an ocean of mercy! Oh one who is all types of relationships to me! Oh one who is like an ocean for boundless motherly love! Though I am the abode of great sins which are without a beginning, endless and impossible to eliminate, I am desiring in this way, being fearless due to remembering again and again your groups of auspicious qualities).

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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