SrIvachana bhUshaNam – sUthram 424

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:

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Here, speaking about [bhagavAn’s qualities and defects] destroying of attachment to lowly goals is included only to explain the nature of emperumAn who will not let those who are captivated by him to focus elsewhere; the main intent is to say that they will destroy one’s attachment to the ultimate stage of the goal [attachment to bhAgavathas]; thus, as speaking about destroying attachment to lowly goals was incidental, leaving that aside, piLLai lOkAchAryar mercifully explains how these destroy attachment to the ultimate goal which is in the context of current discussion.

sUthram 424

nithya SathruvAyiRE iruppadhu.

Simple Explanation

They [bhagavAn’s qualities and defects] remain as eternal enemies.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

nithya SathruvAyiRE iruppadhu

That is – SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 1.1 “SathrugnO nithya Sathrugna:” (Sathrugna who annihilates his enemies; that is, he overcame rAma bhakthi and became fully engaged with bharatha bhakthi) – SrI SathrugnAzhwAn, who held SrI bharathAzhwAn who is very dear to perumAL (SrI rAma), as his goal and did not know about anything else, had won over rAma saundharyam (beauty of SrI rAma) which will be a hurdle for bharatha bhakthi (devotion towards SrI bharathAzhwAn); as said in that, bhagavAn’s beauty remains a hurdle for the one who is focussed on servitude towards bhAgavatahas. Thus, there is nothing wrong in saying that the union with and separation from distinguished bhagavAn will destroy attachment to the ultimate stage of the goal (servitude towards bhAgavathas).

Alternative explanation (for previous and this sUthrams).

piLLai lOkAchAryar is mercifully explaining the impact of previously explained qualities and defects of bhagavAn.

guNa dhOshangaL iraNdum …


What was explained in sUthram 416ingu adhu seyya oNNAdhu“, that is, bhagavAn’s beauty, simplicity etc which steal the heart of those who see him.


What was explained in sUthram 417guNam pOlE upAdhEyamAy irukkum“, that is, as explained in in thiruvAimozhi 5.3.5kadiyan kodiyan” (cruel, evil).

iraNdum kshudhra purushArthaththaiyum purushArtha kAshtaiyaiyum kulaikkum

Each one will destroy both.

guNam iraNdaiyum kulaikkum

Destroying attachment to lowly goals as said in iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi 42manaippAl piRandhAr pirAndhu eydhum pErinbam ellAm thuRandhAr thozhudhArath thOL” (Those who worship the divine shoulders of emperumAn will detest the small [worldly] pleasures which are attained by those who are born in samsAram); by showing his greatness and making one immerse in it, he will destroy attachment to the ultimate goal of being a servitor of bhAgavathas.

dhOsham iraNdaiyum kulaikkum

His defects being acceptable similar to qualities, since they make one remain fully attached to him, will destroy attachment to lowly goals by causing detachment towards eating, sleeping, play things such as ball, anklets etc; as said in thiruvAimozhi 8.10.3avan adiyAr siRu mA manisarAy ennai ANdAr ingE thiriyavE – sendhAmaraik kaN thirukkuRaLan naRu mA virai nANmalar adik kIzhp pugudhal – uRumO pAviyEnukku” (While his devotees, who are short in form and great in stature, are roaming here, will it be apt for me, the sinner, to surrender at the fresh lotus flower-like divine feet of lotus-eyed lord?), it will destroy attachment to ultimate goal.

For this approach, nithya Sathru which is highlighted in this sUthram (424), relates to bhagavAn who has qualities such as beauty etc.

Yet another explanation.

There are some AchAryas who explain that guNam will destroy attachment to ultimate goal and dhOsham will destroy attachment to lowly goals. Even in that case, previous explanation will hold good for guNam destroying attachment to ultimate goal and dhOsham destroying attachment to lowly goals. As per simhAvalOkana nyAyam (revisiting previously explained points, as a lion would turnaround and check its path taken), this is to be read along with the previous statement [explained in sUthram 414] of servitude towards AchArya which is the ultimate stage of the goal, is very difficult, since this is the nature bhagavAn [who will captivate everyone and will not let them move away from him].

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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