krishNa leelAs and their essence – 2 – Summary

SrI:  SrImathE satakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:  SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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<< 1 – Birth

Yashoda Maiya& Baby Krishna

periyAzhwAr, in the mood of mother yaSOdhA, enjoyed krishNa leelAs and presented the same to us in the form of beautiful pAsurams. In his periyAzhwAr thirumozhi, in many padhigams (decads), he enjoyed krishNa’s many leelAs and mercifully explained them in detail.

In periyAzhwAr thirumozhi, starting with “vaNNa mAdangaL sUzh thirukkOttiyUr kaNNan kEsavan nambi piRandhinil eNNey suNNam edhir edhir thUvida kaNNan muRRam kalandhu aLarAyiRRE” (In thirukkOshtiyUr which is surrounded by colourful mansions, krishNa, the complete lord who is known as kESava took birth; oil and coloured water were thrown at each other and the front yard of krishNa’s place became slushy), he shows how bhagavAn’s birth was celebrated by the people there in a beautiful narration to be visualised by us. Further,

  • The cowherd men and women seeing that their chief SrI nandhagOpar and his consort yaSOdhAp pirAtti were blessed with a child, greatly celebrated it by throwing coloured water on each other, sang and danced.
  • All the cowherd women came one by one, took krishNa in their hands and carressed him. There was no limit to the bliss attained by them.
  • Many such as brahmA, rudhran, indhran, other dhEvathAs came and gifted many things to krishNa.
  • Seeing the moon, swaying with the support of mother yaSOdhA’s back, clapping hands, lying on the stomach, walking in a staggering manner, drinking mother’s milk, getting ears pierced, bathing, hair care, wearing flowers, ridding him of evil eyes, stealing butter and getting caught, destroying many demons, playing the flute, tending the cows and calves, enjoying rAsakrIdai with the gOpikAs

and many such incidents are shown by AzhwAr. Other AzhwArs too have enjoyed krishNa’s birth and pastimes in detail.

krishNa greatly liked butter, ghee, milk and curd. nammAzhwAr, meditated upon the incident of krishNa stealing butter and getting caught, and remained unconscious for six months. nammAzhwAr, thirumangai AzhwAr and kulaSEkarAzhwAr in their pAsurams have enjoyed romantic anger with krishNa in detail. AchAryas starting with SrIman nAthamunigaL were also deeply immersed in krishNAvathAram.

Even while enjoying krishNAvathAram, AzhwArs and AchAryas, enjoyed him in connection with archAvathAram. archAvathAram is glorified as the representative for vibhavAvathAram for those who did not get to enjoy vibhavAvathAram.

Subsequently, we will see each leelA of emperumAn and the essence in each of those leelAs.

Source –

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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