SrI: SrImathE satakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
krishNa and balarAma along with their friends, were joyfully playing in vrindhAvanam, One day, a demon named pralamba entered their gathering in the form of a cowherd boy. He was thinking to kill krishNa somehow. Seeing him, balarAma decided to kill him.
At that time, they started playing a sport. The rule of the game was such that the losers will have to carry the winners. krishNa became the leader of one team and balarAma became the leader of another team. pralambAsura joined krishNa’s team. Once krishNa’s team lost, it was said that pralambAsura who was in the losing team, should carry balarAma who is the leader of the winning team. pralambAsura planned to carry balarAma, run fast and kill him. On carrying balarAma, balarAma who knew his intentions, kept on increasing his weight. pralambAsura was unable to carry such heavy weight. While that weight was pushing him down, balarAma gave a heavy blow on his head and killed him,
This incident is mercifully shown by ANdAL nAchchiyAr in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi as “pilamban thannaip paladhEvan venRa” (pralambAsura was defeated by balarAma) and by periyAzhwAr in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi as “thEnugan pilamban kALiyan ennum” (Those who are known as dhEnukAsura, pralambAsura and kALinga).
Essence in this incident:
- periyAzhwAr is saying that the leelA performed by balarAma is done by krishNa, due to their close relationship. Similarly, in SrIrAmAvathAram, when lakshmaNa severed sUrpaNakA’s ears and nose, that was attributed to SrI rAma.
- When emperumAn is in danger, before him, his devotees will try to rescue him. Here balarAma got rid of the danger for krishNa.
Source –
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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