krishNa leelAs and their essence – 42 – Life in dhvArakA and nAradha’s joy

SrI:  SrImathE satakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:  SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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sAmba was the son of krishNa and jAmbavathi. During svayamvaram of lakshmaNA who was the daughter of dhuryOdhana, he snatched her away. kauravas became very angry seeing that and came to attack sAmba, with a huge army. sAmba fought alone to bewilder that army. Eventually, all of them together captured sAmba somehow. Hearing this, balarAma went to dhuryOdhana et al and advised them to free sAmba. But they spoke pridefully to balarAma which made him very angry and he set out to destroy them. Finally, they got scared and surrendered to balarAma. Then, dhuryOdhana got his daughter married to sAmba and sent her off with a lot of gifts.

Once, nAradha went to dhvArakA. dhvArakA is beautiful city. It is filled with gardens, lakes, different types of birds, flowers, mansions and palaces. krishNa built sixteen thousand one hundred and eight palaces for his divine consorts and he lived in each of those palaces in indivdual forms along with his children, following gruhasthASrama dharma (householder duties). It is said that krishNa begot ten sons and one daughter with each of his wives.

nAradha started visiting each palace. First he went to the primary consort rukmiNi’s place, she was serving krishNa nicely. Seeing nAradha, krishNa went rushing to him, washed his feet and served him fully. He then went to the next place. There, he observed that krishNa was playing with his wive and udhdhava. As if not knowing anything, krishNa enquired his well-being and served him. In this manner, he was engaged in different activities in different places. In one place, he was riding a horse. In another place, he was performing his rituals. In another place he was going for hunting. In another place, he was worshipping brAhmaNas. Seeing all of this, nAradha thought about krishNa’s amazing aspects and became joyful.

periyAzhwAr in his periyAzhwAr thirumozhi speaks about bhagavAn’s presence in SrI dhvArakA as in “padhinARAm Ayiravar dhEvimAr paNiseyya thuvarai innum adhil nAyagarAgi vIRRiruNdha maNavALar”  (krishNa remained in dhvArkA as the lord who is being served by sixteen thousand queen consorts).

Essence in this incident:

  • Since emperumAn is the paramapurusha (supreme male) many AthmAs desired to have him as their husband. Hence, he married them in krishNAvathAram and conducted gruhasthASrama dharmam and gave joy to them.
  • As he himself said in SrI bhagavath gIthA, though there is no compulsion for krishNa to follow dharmam, still, he follows everything properly to be an ideal role model.

Source –

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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