AchArya hrudhayam – 12

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

The doubt of “Will these two relationships [with achith and bhagavAn] which have been there since time immemorial remain permanent for the AthmA?” is clarified here.

chUrNikai 12

onRu kUdinadhAyp paRRaRukka mINdu ozhigaiyAlE pazhavadiyEn ennum adhu onRumE ozhikka ozhiyAdhadhu.

Simple Explanation

As the relationship with achith is unnatural and the relationship with bhagavAn is natural, and since bhagavAn has the ability to eliminate the relationship with achith for the AthmA, relationship with bhagavAn is the permanent one.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

That is, since it is said in periya thirumozhi 1.1.1perundhuyar idumbaiyil kUdinEn” (Being the recipient of great sorrow, being born in the body which is the cause for all sorrows), this relationship with achith is natural for AthmA, but incidentally acquired; as said in periya thirumozhi 11.4.1 “vinai paRRaRukkum” (eliminate the attachment to sins), as the omnipotent lord eliminate it along with the taste, it will be eliminated as said in mudhal thiruvandhAdhi 59adaindha aruvinaiyOdu allal nOy pAvam midaindhu avai mINdozhiya” (To rid of dangerous entities such as ignorance, sorrows [disease] of the mind, disease of the SarIram (physical body), bad deeds, sins which are the causative factor for getting the physical body).

Hence, the eternal SEsha-SEshi sambandham (Lord-servitor relationship) only which is there since time immemorial as said in thiruppallANdu 11thirumAlE nAnum unakkup pazha adiyEn” (Oh master of srI mahAlakshmi! I am also an eternal servitor for you the master), cannot be severed by by both the chEthana (AthmA) and ISvara (bhagavAn) as said in thiruppAvai 28 uRavEl namakku ingu ozhikka ozhiyAdhu” (our relationship with you cannot be removed here by you or by us).

With this, it is explained that since the relationship with achith is incidental and caused by karma, it will be impermanent; since the relationship with bhagavAn is there since time immemorial and without any cause, it will be permanent. But why is the relationship which is incidental said to be anAdhi (without any beginning)? Since there is no knowledge about the time it started and since it is said in anAdhi in SAsthram, it is deemed to be anAdhi (beginning-less). Since we see that by bhagavAn’s grace, it is eliminated one day, its incidental nature is certain.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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