AchArya hrudhayam – 17

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Thus, previously, it was explained that bhagavAn revealed SAsthram and thirumanthram which is the essence of SAsthram out of his mercy, to uplift the samsAri chEthanas (bound souls). The answers for the questions “How did he reveal those? Who are the target audience?” are explained here.

chUrNikai 17

munivarai idukkiyum munnIr vaNNanAyum veLiyitta SAsthra thAthparyangaLukku viSishta nishkrushta vEshangaL vishayam

Simple Explanation

The target audiences for SAsthrams which were revealed through sages and the essence of SAsthram which was revealed by [bhagavAn] himself are the states of soul with the body and pure soul respectively.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

That is – sages such as vyAsa et al who are constantly meditating as said in thiruvAimozhi 10.7.7iruLgaL kadiyum munivar” (those great sages who can eliminate darkness through instructions in the form of purANa etc) can be said as bhagavAn himself as said in SrIvishNu purANam 3.4.4 “krishNa dhvaipAyanam vyAsam vidhdhi nArAyaNam priyam| kOhyanya: puNdarIkAkshAn mahAbhAratha kruthbhavEth || (Know that krishNa dhvaipAyana vyAsa, is nArAyaNa himself; who else other than the lotus-eyed lord can write mahAbhAratham!) due to bhagavAn being their antharyAmi (in-dwelling soul); the target audience for the SAsthram which was revealed by bhagavAn through them is the state of AthmAs with their bodies.

As said in periya thirumozhi 1.4.10vadhariyAchchirAmaththuLLAnai karungadal munnIr vaNNanai” (sarvESvaran is eternally residing in SrI badharIkASramam, is having the divine dark complexion of ocean which is having three types of water), the target audience for the thirumanthram which is the essence of SAsthram, and was revealed in SrI badharIkASramam, by himself, is the state of the souls exclusively (without the consideration of bodies).

With this, it is explained that SAsthram is focussed on body and the essence of SAsthram is focussed on the true nature of the soul.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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