AchArya hrudhayam – 19

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Now, the nature of those mumukshus who are followers of SAsthram and essence of SAsthram, are explained.

chUrNikai 19

SAsthirigaL theppakkaiyaraippolE iraNdaiyum idukkip piRavikkadalai nIndha sAragyar vittaththiliruppAraip pOlE irukaiyum vittuk karai kuRugum kAlam eNNuvargaL

Simple Explanation

Followers of SAsthram are like those who are trying to cross a river, who will try with two hands to cross over the ocean of birth; knowers of the essence of SAsthram, are like those who are on the top deck of a ship who are waiting to reach the shore, in a relaxed manner.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

That is,


Those who are followers of SAsthram which ordains upAsanam (worship) of bhagavAn as the means of crossing over the ocean of deluge and reaching bhagavAn as said in bruhadhAraNyaka upanishath “AthmAvA arE dhrashtavya: SrOthavya: manthavya: nidhidhyAsithvya:” (Oh maithrEya! bhagavAn is to be heard, contemplated and meditated upon, and seen), bruhadhAraNyaka upanishath “AthmA ithyEva upAsItha” (must be praised and worshipped as AthmA), muNdaka upanishath “Om ithi AthmAnam dhyAyatha” (bhagavAn must be meditated upon with praNavam); SAsthram also says that bhagavAn is the benefactor as in muNdaka upanishath “amruthasyaisha sEthu:” (bhagvAn is the benefactor who can grant mOksham) and brahma sUthram 3.2.8 “palamatha upapaththE:” (It is apt to say that all benefits are granted by bhagavAn).

theppakkaiyaraip pOlE iraNdaiyum idukki piRavikkadalai nIndha

Just as a person who swims across a river would hold on to a boat with one hand and will also try to paddle with the other hand, holding on to both self effort and bhagavAn’s grace which is attained by such effort, as said in thiruvAimozhi 2.8.1piRavik kadal nIndhuvArkkE” (for those who want to cross over this existence in the ocean of material realm), will try to cross over the ocean of samsAram.


Those who are knowledgeable in thirumanthram which explains that bhagavAn is the exclusive means after giving up one’s own efforts.

vittaththiliruppAraip pOlE irukaiyum vittuk karai kuRugum kAlam eNNuvargaL

To reach the shore, a person who climbs a boat, will give up both his own effort and holding on to the boat with his hand, and will look out thinking “when will we arrive at the shore” and remain on the top deck; similarly, as said in vishNudharmam “vishNupOtham” (the boat named vishNu), the boat which remains extended across the two shores (vaikuNtam and samsAram) and which will help one cross the ocean of samsAram as said in nAchchiyAr thirumozhi 5.4 “vaigundhan enbadhOr thONi” (The boat named vaikuNtan), being free from burden by meditating upon bhagavAn’s gyAnam (knowledge), Sakthi (ability) etc and self’s pArathanthryam (total dependence on bhagavAn), like freeing up both hands, giving up upAsanam which is based on self-effort and bhagavAn’s mercy which is acquired by such effort, will consider bhagavAn’s mercy only as the upAyam, and will think about the time when he will reach the shore of attaining bhagavAn as said in thiruvAimozhi 6.9.9kUvik koLLum kAlam innam kuRugAdhO?” (Will the time to invite me to engage in those divine feet, not happen soon, even at this stage?) and thiruvAimozhi 1.2.9Akkai vidum pozhudhu eNNE” (seek out for his kainkaryam at the end of this life itself).

With this, the thoughts of those who understand SAsthram and essence of SAsthram are explained.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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