AchArya hrudhayam – 21

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

In the knowledge about true nature of AthmA, there are two different levels knowledge – svarUpa gyAnam (knowledge about the true nature) and svarUpa yAthAthmya gyAnam (knowledge about the intrinsic true nature). In that, AthmA’s SEshathvam (servitude) and gyAthruthvam (being the knower) are shown in nArAyaNa sUktham “pathim viSvasya” (lord of the universe), achchidhram “yasyAmi” (I belong to bhagavAn) and bruhadhAraNyaka upanishath “na hi vigyAthur vigyAthEr viparilObhO vidhyathE” (There is no destruction for knowledge in AthmA who has knowledge) and bruhadhAraNyaka upanishath “jAnAthi EvAyam purusha:” (Objects which are known to AthmA); the effect of bhOkthruthva (being the enjoyer) which is the result of gyAthruthva (being the knower), is bhagavath anubhavam as said in thaiththirIya upanishath “sOSnuthE sarvAn kAman saha brahmaNA vipaSchithA” (This AthmA enjoys all the qualities of bhagavAn being with him); while understanding one’s svarUpam through such SAsthram, bhagavath SEshathvam (servitude towards bhagavAn) and bhagavath anubhava bhOkthruthvam (enjoying bhagavAn) are clearly understood. Only when one immerses into the essence of SAsthram, that is thirumanthram, svarUpa yAthAthmyam which is in the form of pArathanthryam (total dependence) and bhOgyathA (being enjoyed), are clearly understood. nAyanAr subsequently reveals that this is svarUpa yAthAthmyam.

chUrNikai 21

SEshathva bhOkthruthvangaL pOlanRE pArathanthrya bhOgyathaigaL.

Simple Explanation

SEshathvam (servitude) and bhOthruthvam (being an enjoyer) are not at the same level as pArathanthryam (total dependence) and bhOgyathA (being enjoyed) [SEshathvam and bhOkthruthvam are lesser].

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

That is – SEshathvam is ishta viniyOga arhathA mAthram (being ready to be used as desired); pArathanthrayam is to be used by the SEshi (master) as desired by him. It is said “kattip pon pOlE SEshathvam, paNippon pOlE pArathanthryam” (SEshathvam is like a gold bar which is ready to be put to use, pArathanthryam is like golden ornament which is ready to be worn). (Thus, to engage the servitor as desired by the lord, is pArathanthryam).

bhOkthruthvam is being the enjoyer for the enjoyment attained while enjoying based on having knowledge; bhOgyathA (bhOgyathai) is just as the aspects like taste, colour etc which are found in an object, are enjoyable only for the enjoyer, the knowledge etc which are found in AthmA, are enjoyable only for ISvaran.

Thus, SEshathvam which is being ready to be used as per the desire of the master, is unlike pArathanthryam which makes this AthmA being engaged in service as per the desire of the master; bhOkthruthvam which has selfish interest in the enjoyment is unlike bhOgyathA which makes such bhOkthruthvam as a tool for that master’s enjoyment.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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