AchArya hrudhayam – 32

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction)

Here it is explained that there is no togetherness between karma nishtar (those who are focussed on karmam) and kainkarya nishtar (those who are focussed on kainkaryam).

chUrNikai 32

sAdhana sAdhyangaLil mudhalum mudivum varNadharmigaL dhAsavruththigaL enRu thuRaivERiduviththadhu

Simple Explanation

varNadharmis who are focussed on karmam and dhAsavruththis who are focussed on kainkaryam, cannot be together and hence those who are in kainkaryam will abandon their relationship with those who are in karmam.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

That is – the first step in sAdhanam (means) is karmam and the final step in sAdhyam (goal) is kainkaryam; those who have well understood this will be made to say “You are varNadharmis; we are dhAsavruththis” and terminate their relationships with varNadharmis and go to a separate ghat. That is – in thiruvahindhrapuram there was a sanyAsi named “villipuththUrp pagavar“; when everyone would do their anushtAnams (rituals) in a ghat, he would do it in a separate ghat. While one day, as he was completing and leaving the ghat, a brAhmaNa who was there asked “Oh jIyar! Why are you not doing your anushtAnams in our ghat?”, he replied “vishNudhAsA vayam yUyam brAhmaNA varNadharmina: asmAkam dhAsavruththInAm yushmAkam nAsthi sangathi:” (Oh brAhmaNas! We are servants of vishNu engaged in dhAsa vruththi [kainkaryams]; you are brAhmaNas who are engaged in varNa dharmams [only]; we have no connection” and remained in a separate ghat.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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