SrIrAma leelAs and their essence – Conclusion

SrI:  SrImathE satakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:  SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

SrIrAma leelAs and their essence

<< yudhdha kANdam

After some time, sIthAp pirAtti became pregnant. At that time, a citizen of the kingdom said that she had lived in rAvaNa’s place for some time. Hearing that SrI rAma sent sIthAp pirAtti to the forest through lakshmaNa. Staying there in vAlmeeki rishi’s ASramam, she gave birth to two beautiful children and named them kuSa and lava. They grew up nicely and by the grace of vAlmeeki rishi, learnt SrI rAma charithram well and sang it beautifully as songs. Hearing that, SrI rAma summoned them to his assembly and joyfully heard his own history. And then, he brought sIthAp pirAtti to his assembly and made her to prove her pArathanthryam (total obedience) through agni pravESam (walking through fire). She obliged him and subsequently was mercifully accepted by bhUmip pirAtti into earth and then ascended to paramapadham.

In this manner, sIthAp pirAtti got separated from SrI rAma thrice. The essence of these separations is explained by piLLai lOkAchArya in his best literature, SrI vachana bhUshaNam, in the following manner. We can clearly understand this through maNavALa mAmunigaL’s commentary. In the first separation, to reveal her mercy, pirAtti herself went to lankA and imprisoned herself and made SrI rAma rescue the celestial women who were imprisoned by rAvaNa. In the second occasion, due to her pArathanthryam, she went and lived in the forest. In the third occasion, due to her ananyArha SEshathvam (being servitor only for bhagavAn and no one else), she got separated from SrI rAma, entered the earth and ascended to paramapadham. By these three separations, pirAtti’s glories were well understood by the whole world.

SrI rAma killing Sambuka, a person of fourth varNa, is generally narrated in the wrong way. Sambuka, due to his greedy desire, performed a penance to attain the position of rudhra and enjoy pArvathi, and as a result, the son of a vaidhika died unnaturally, at a young age. Hence SrI rAma went in search of Sambuka and killed him, and brought back the life of the son of the vaidhika,

In this manner, SrI rAma ruled the kingdom for eleven thousand years in total. Then, he let lakshmaNa ascend to paramapadham first and then he too started his journey towards paramapadham. At that time, he took everyone in SrI ayOdhyA along with him. Only hanuman decided to remain in this world saying “I will not see any other form of the lord after having seen him in this divine form as SrI rAma”. What an amazing devotion hanuman has in this SrI rAmAvathAram! In this manner, SrI rAma’s history comes to an end.

nammAzhwAr says “kaRpAr irAmapirAnai allAl maRRum kaRparO” (Would those who like to learn, learn anything other than SrI rAmapiran?” and reveals SrI rAma’s glories in the best manner. ANdAL nAchchiyAr, who is very attached to krishNa, herself says SrI rAma as “manaththukkiniyAn” (one who is pleasing to the heart). In this manner, SrI rAmAvathAram is greatly desired by AzhwArs. We have enjoyed bhagavAn’s pastimes and their essence, to some extent here. Our goal should be to be the loving servitor to the lotus feet of hanuman, who is the divine servitor and who, in his heart, always has SrI rAma who is together with sIthAp pirAtti, as well as to the lotus feet of AzhwArs and AchAryas.

AzhwAr emperumAnAr jIyar thiruvadigaLE SaraNam
jIyar thiruvadigaLE SaraNam

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adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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