SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavaramunayE nama:
“bruhathee vAk thasyA: pathi: – bruhaspathi” – bruhaspathi is the controller of words, vocabulary and speech. He is the greatest among the adroit and the learned.
krishNa says in SrI bhagavath gIthA 10-24 “purodhasAm cha mukhyam mAm vidhdhi pArtha bruhaspathim” – I am bruhaspathi among the purOhiths (Pedagogues).
purOhith means one who has our interest in mind and acts for our good even ahead of our efforts.
Yes! bruhaspathi toils for the good of dhEvas.
It is he who has brought dhEvas, rishis and munis to sathyalOka.
brahmA learnt through the servant that they have brought a problem to be solved.
In some yAgams, rituals demand offering animals in sacrifice. Flesh of sheep, goat and horse has to be offered to the yAgam according to holy scripts (SAsthrams). Animals brought for this purpose are known as “yAga paSu” (paSu means animal).
For example, as per kalpa sUthras, penances like chathushtOmam, ukthyam, adhirathram have to be carried out as prescribed on three important days of aswamEdha yAgam.
Further many more like “JyOthistOmam” have to be carried out.
The inner organs of horse have to be offered over fire during the ritual.
The issue now is..
rishis claimed that during such yAgams, real animals need not be offered. Instead, pishta paSu (an image made of flour) may be made and offered. That would suffice.
dhEvas severely opposed this and firmly directed animals in flesh and blood must only be used. This is the reason for conflict!
Now, it has fallen on the head(s) of brahmA to offer a solution to the problem. Pedagogue of dhEvas, bruhaspathi is red with rage, has come seeking justice.
His very look frightened brahmA.
brahmA mused “Goddess of letters & learning Saraswathi had just walked out in temper. And now bruhaspathi, the male counterpart of Saraswathi has entered with furious temper”.
brahmA struggled helplessly like a man whose mother and wife were overtaken by ire and rage at the same instant.
However, bruhaspathi’s indignation appeared tolerable when brahmA looked at rishis and munis. They looked so badly irritated.
Real animal or flour image? ajan (brahmA) was paralysed not knowing what to choose between them.
He seemed to conclude that dhEvas was his tribe and so he could manage and convince bruhaspathi later. He gave his verdict in favour of flour image – pishta paSu could better be used in sacrificial penance.
rishis and munis were exalted and roaring in excitement; felt as though on top of dhEvas (“nAvalittuzhi tharuginROm” “dhEvar tham” “thalaigal meedhE”)
Meanwhile, dhEvas convened an assembly to hand a curse in retaliation to brahmA!!
What curse?
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